Seniority Hours Adjustment
The Seniority Hours Adjustment transaction is used to edit seniority hours for a period. This page also allows you to store a beginning balance for previous time worked under a specific title for an employee. The Seniority Hours Adjustment transaction may be used in the following cases:
If the Seniority Hours for a Period created by the batch job needs to be adjusted.
If an employee has seniority hours from a previous appointment that should be accounted for seniority tracking, a Seniority Hours Adjustment transaction is required to record the beginning balance.
Field InformationField Information
Use this transaction to enter the general information and adjust the seniority hour. Enter the Seniority Hours for Period, Seniority Hours Adjustment, Pay period Start Date, and Pay Period End Date fields. Note: The adjustment amount can be a positive or negative amount.
You can also record the beginning balance, if an employee has seniority hours from a previous appointment that should be accounted for seniority tracking. Enter the Beginning Balance, Beginning Balance Hours, From and To dates fields.
The Seniority Hours Adjustment transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Modify Seniority Hours Adjustment row-level action on the Employee Seniority by Period tab of the Employee Inquiries (EINQ) activity folder.
Refer to the following topics for more information on creating Seniority Hours Adjustment for correcting the seniority hours and creating a Seniority Hours Beginning Balance for entering a beginning balance for a title.