Seniority Hours Beginning Balance

The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction is used to store employees’ seniority hour beginning balance for a title. Beginning balance represents the total seniority hours an employee has earned for a title in a previous employment.

The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction can be created if the beginning balance for a title needs be added or adjusted.

The Seniority Hours Beginning Balance transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create Seniority Hours Beginning Balance row-level  action on the Employee Seniority Totals tab of the Employee Inquiries (EINQ) activity folder.

  • Select the Modify Seniority Hours Beginning Balance row-level action on the Employee Seniority Totals tab of the Employee Inquiries (EINQ) activity folder.

Refer to the Creating Seniority Hours Beginning Balance topic, for information on creating and entering a beginning balance for a title.