Employee Incident Detail (EIND)
The Employee Incident Detail (EIND) transaction allows you to create and record an employees' incidents.
Note: A user with a Manager role can also create or update employees' incidents for their direct reportee via the Incidents and Claims Landing > Incidents carousel tile. Manager should refer to the “Employee Incident Detail” topic in the Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
Field Information Field Information
Use this transaction to enter the general information and incident details of an employee.
Optional fields allow you to track user specific information such as flags, dates, costs, IDs, or text.
You can enter the work release information for an employee incident. This allows you to track user specific information in the Work Release Field, Work Release ID, Work Release Cost, Work Release Date, and Work Release Indicator fields.
The Comments field allows you to track detailed information such as: a log of all communications, including the communication method, the person who was contacted, the outcome, and notes regarding the communication, details relating to the collective bargaining contract or municipal personnel rule article in violation, the individuals involved, including witnesses, hearing attendees, contacts, details regarding investigations, notes regarding comparable situations or previous lawsuits, legal proceedings, or complaints, information on legal proceedings for the grievance etc.
The Employee Incident Detail transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create Employee Incident Detail row-level action on the Employee Grievance Incident tab of the Employee Relations (ER) activity folder.
Select the Modify Employee Incident Detail row-level action on the Employee Grievance Incident tab of the Employee Relations (ER) activity folder.
Note: The delete action will not be allowed for the Employee Incident Detail (EIND) transaction, if the Remain in File check box is selected on the Incident/Grievance Status (ISTS) page.