Employee Relations (ER)
The Employee Relations activity folder makes it easy for you to record employee expectations and evaluations, self-performance evaluations, incidents and grievances, and to look up case officer information by gathering all pages related to employee relations activities into one place. It also records the due date of the next expectation, evaluation, employee feed-back on expectations or evaluations and confirmation from the employee that expectation or evaluation details have been reviewed by them.
Note: If your site uses Advantage Case Management, then the additional details can be captured and maintained throughout the lifecycle of the grievance and incident. It can be used to track all communication regarding the grievance/incidence, information for all individuals involved, dates and actions of legal proceedings or hearings, user specific information such as flags, dates, costs, IDs etc. To enter Advantage Case Management, select the CGI Advantage Case Management button in the Employee Relations activity folder
After opening the Employee Relations activity folder, use the search tool to find the appropriate employee and then select that employee from the grid at the top of the page. ou can then access all pages necessary for entering or modifying employee relations information from the secondary navigation panel.
The Employee tab displays general information about the employee.
Employment EvaluationEmployment Evaluation
Use the Employee Evaluation tab to create, modify or view evaluation information for the employee, including self-performance evaluations.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Evaluation - This action creates and opens the Employee Performance Evaluations (EPEV) transactions, which allows you to create and record an employee's evaluation details.
Modify Employee Evaluation - This action creates and opens the Employee Performance Evaluations (EPEV) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee evaluation details.
Create Self Performance Evaluation - This action creates and opens the Self Performance Evaluation (SPEV) transactions, which allows an employee to enter the self evaluation details regarding performance.
Modify Self Performance Evaluation - This action creates and opens the Self Performance Evaluation (SPEV) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee evaluation details.
Use the Recommendations section to create, modify, or view Employee Recommendations, such as for an increase/decrease in salary, a change in Grade/Step, or a new Title.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Recommendations -This action creates and opens the Employee Recommendations (EREC) transactions, which allows managers and HR administrators to make an employee recommendation for an increase/decrease in salary, a change in Grade/Step, or a new Title, etc..
Modify Employee Recommendations - This action creates and opens the Employee Recommendations (EREC) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee recommendation details.
Use the Ratings tab to view evaluation ratings for the employee.
Employee ExpectationsEmployee Expectations
Use the Employee Expectation tab to create, modify, or view performance expectation information for the employee.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Expectation - This action creates and opens the Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transactions, which allows you to create performance expectations for employees.
Modify Employee Expectation - This action creates and opens the Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee expectation details.
Expectation DetailsExpectation Details
The Expectation Details tab displays detailed information regarding the expectation, including the definition of the expectation and the definition of the measurement.
Employee Grievance DetailEmployee Grievance Detail
Use the Grievance Information tab to create, modify, or view the detailed employee grievance information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Expectations -This action creates and opens the Employee Grievance (EGRV) transactions, which allows you to record and create employees' grievances details.
Modify Employee Expectations - This action creates and opens the Employee Grievance (EGRV) transactions, which allows you to modify the employees' grievances details.
Employee Incident DetailEmployee Incident Detail
Use the Employee Incident Detail tab to create, modify, or view the detailed employee incident information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Incident Detail -This action creates and opens the Employee Incident Detail (EIND) transactions, which allows you record and create the employee's incident.
Modify Employee Incident Detail - This action creates and opens the Employee Incident Detail (EIND) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee incident details.
The Evaluation tab shows all evaluations for the Employee with key information including Performance Type, Dates, Evaluator Name, Evaluator Appointment ID, Evaluation Status, Manager Overall Rating, Manager Overall Comments, Transaction ID, Transaction Dept, Transaction Version are shown on the grid.
This tab contains the following grid/page/row-level actions:
The section/view level action menu contains Create Evaluation action to initiate a new Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transaction. For initiating a new evaluation, the admin user must provide values for Performance Type, From, To, Due Date, Evaluator ID and Evaluator Appointment ID. If there is already an existing Evaluation with same Performance Type and with overlapping period, then the application issues an error.
The Transaction ID available at row-level details can be clicked to view and modify granular details related to that Employee Evaluation transaction. Please refer the Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transaction in this guide for more details.
Note: An Employee and Manager can update Evaluation through Evaluation wizard, which can be accessed via the Performance Journey Landing Page > In Progress Evaluation carousel tile. Employees should refer to the “Employee Evaluations” topic in the Employee/Manager User Guide.
Use the Appreciations tab to view the details of the appreciations received by the employee being searched. This also has a link to the Appreciations page via the tab-label menu where Appreciations for other employees can be searched and a new Appreciation can be initiated by the user.
Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.