Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX)
The Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transaction allows you to
create performance expectations for employees.
The Employee Performance Expectation transaction has the following tabs:
Use this tab to enter the general information
related to the employee’s assignment, the name and ID of the evaluator,
the personnel action, and when the expectations are due.
The Performance Expectations allows you to
identify the Rating Profile, to determine if the expectations are
ready for the employee to review, to allow the manager to sign the
expectations, and to identify where the employee’s signature originated.
For example, this field will display Acceptance by Employee
if the employee has accepted the expectations using or Acceptance
by Supervisor / Evaluator through Advantage HRM.
The Expectation Details section displays
detailed information on the expectations. When a line is added, an
Expectation Type can be entered or selected from the pick list and
Expectation Type’s Short
Description, Long Description,
Definition or Expectation,
and Definition of Measurement
from the Expectation (Rating) Type table will be inferred. The
Expectation Type field is optional. A Definition of Expectation
and Definition of Measurement can be entered without the Expectation
Type field.
A default set of expectations that are shared
across an organization can also be loaded. The Load
Expectations button (under Related Actions) allows you to manually
populate the Expectation Details from based on the Title and Shared
Ratings/Expectations. Expectation Details derived from Shared Ratings
are populated and listed first. The Source field for these expectations
will be populated with Shared Ratings. The selection of Shared
Ratings is based on the effective employee attributes as of the start
date of the evaluation period. When a match is found between
the employee attributes and Shared Ratings key fields an Expectation
Detail is populated. Expectation Details are populated for all matched
Shared Ratings. A value of “wildcard” (*****) on the Shared Ratings
table is considered a match to all possible values of the employee
attributes including spaces. The Load
Expectations button can be selected at any time and will refresh
the expectations shown on the transaction. For example, if you
load the shared expectations, but a change is made to this set, you
can select the Load Expectations
button and the lines on the transaction will be updated with the changes
that were made.
The Employee Performance Expectation transaction can be created in the
following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction
the Create Employee Expectation
row-level action on
the Employee Expectation tab of the Employee
Relations (ER) activity folder.
Select the Modify
Employee Expectation row-level
action on
the Employee Expectation
tab of the Employee Relations (ER) activity folder.
Note: The Employee Performance Expectation transaction can be automatically
generated by using certain personnel actions on the Employee Status Maintenance
(ESMT) transaction. If the Generate Expectations
check box for a given personnel action code on the entered ESMT transaction
is selected, then an Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transaction
will be generated for the employee. The Employee Performance Expectations
transaction is populated based on the data from the employee transaction
and the personnel action. The following fields are inferred onto
the expectations from the employee record: Employee
ID, Appointment ID, Evaluator ID, Union
Affiliation, Evaluation Type,
Rating Profile (pulled from the
employee’s title record), Home Department,
Home Unit, Position
Number, Personnel Action,
Personnel Action Reason, From, and To.
The Expectation Details portion of the transaction is also populated with
expectations from the Performance Expectation and Rating Type (ERTP) and
Shared Rating Type tables (as is done when the Load Expectations button
is selected).
Employee Performance Expectation in PDF FormatGenerating
Employee Performance Expectation in PDF Format
Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transaction
can be generated in PDF by selecting the Generate
PDF button. When the Generate
PDF button is selected, a PDF version of the Employee Performance
Expectation transaction is created. This version can either be
saved to your computer or can be printed. The hardcopy version of
the transaction allows a physical signature to be applied to the transaction,
which is useful if a physical signature is required.