Employment Eligibility Verification (EELV)

The Employment Eligibility Verification (EELV) transaction allows you to view, record, and modify Employee Eligibility Verification information based on the I-9 form submitted for an employee. This I-9 information is crucial for employers to identify whether or not an employee is eligible to be hired.

Once an EELV transaction has been successfully submitted, supporting transactions (such as the original I-9 form) can be attached to the record using the Attachments link on the Employee Profile Maintenance activity folder.

Field InformationField Information

The Employment Eligibility Verification transaction contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Form I-94 Admission Number

If the Employee Status field value is A noncitizen, the employee’s form I-94 Admission Number must be entered. Note: This field will not be available if the user selects the Employment Status field value other than A Noncitizen.

Authorized to work until

If the Employee Status field value is A Noncitizen or Lawful Permanent Resident, the employee’s authorized to work until expiration date should be entered, if any. Note: This field will not be available if the user selects the Employment Status field value other than A Noncitizen and Lawful Permanent Resident.

Foreign Passport Number and Country of Issuance

If the Employee Status field value is A Noncitizen, the employee’s Foreign Passport Number and Country of Issuance must be entered (user can enter the number/text up to 35 characters). Note: This field will not be available if the user selects the Employment Status field value other than A Noncitizen.

USCIS A-Number

If the Employee Status field value is A noncitizen or Lawful Permanent Resident, the employee’s USCIS A-Number should be entered. Note: This field will not be available if the user selects the Employment Status field value other than A Noncitizen and Lawful Permanent Resident.

Case Officer ID

The case officer identification number of the person you wish to identify as a case officer, change information about, or terminate as a case officer. The Case Officer ID can be an internal employee or an external individual.  This allows the Case Officer ID to be used to define any case representative, even if they are not an internal employee.  Contact information for that individual is stored on the Case Officer page.  Values must be valid on the Case Officer (ECSO) page.

Department of Homeland Security Status

The Department of Homeland Security Status field indicates the E-Verify case result status. If E-Verify is not used, this will be blank.

Employee Status

The Employee Status indicates the employee's citizenship or immigration status.

First/Second Supporting Document Type

The document title of the document being used to establish the employee’s Identity and Employment Authorization. Must be a valid document title on the Identity and Employment Authorization (IEAU) page.

First/Second Supporting Document Number

The document number related to the document selected as Document Title 1/2.

First/Second Supporting Document Expiration Date

The expiration date of the document selected as Document Title 1/2.

E-verify Case Number

This is the E-verify Case Number. If E-Verify is not used, this will be blank.

Expiration Date

The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

From Date

The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.

Social Security Number

The current social security number associated with the employee.  If the field-level security for this field is enabled, access is restricted to only authorized users. Asterisks (*) are displayed for non-authorized users.

To Date

The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

The Employment Eligibility Verification transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create Employment Eligibility Verification tab-level action on the Employee Address tab of the Employee Profile Management (EPM) activity folder.

  • Select the Modify row-level action on the Employee Address tab of the Employee Profile Management (EPM) activity folder.