Employee Profile Management (EPM)
The Employee Profile Management activity folder makes it easy for you to enter an employee into the system, modify employee information, and perform personnel actions by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place.
Let us say, for example, an employee has recently wed and, subsequently, has changed her name and address. Instead of searching for the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) page to change her name in the system and then searching for the Employee Address Maintenance (ADDR) page to update her address, you can simply use the Employee Profile Management activity folder to access both pages and perform both tasks.
After opening the Employee Profile Management activity folder, use the Employee Search tool and the grid to find and select the appropriate employee. To change information pertaining to the selected employee, use the secondary navigation panel to access the appropriate pages.
The Employee Profile Management activity folder contains the following page-level actions:
Create New Employee - This action creates and opens a New Employee (NEMP) transaction, which allows you to add an employee to the database and create a basic employee profile.
Create Employee Status Maintenance -This action creates and opens the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions, which allows you to establish an employee on the system database.
Create Employee Identification Change Form - This action creates and opens the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) transactions, which allows you to record any changes to an employee's identification number.
Select the row-level action View to view the employee profile information. The Employee Profile Management activity folder contains the following tabs:
Use the Employee tab to view the employee information.
Employment Status MaintenanceEmployment Status Maintenance
Use the Employee Status Maintenance tab to enter status maintenance information for the employee. This tab is also used to view the personnel action count that is the number of Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions finalized with that same From/Effective date and a correction count that is the number of Employee Status Maintenance transactions finalized with that same From/Effective date that are marked as corrections.
The Personnel Action Count field displays the count/number of Employee Status Maintenance transactions finalized with that same From/Effective date, if there is only one for the time frame a count of one will display. When the Personnel Action Count is selected on the grid section, the navigation jumps to the Employee Profile Management - Employee Status Maintenance Log section filtered with the same From date.
The Correction Count field is used to identify the number of personnel action corrections that have been made for the effective date. When the Correction Count is selected on the grid section, the navigation jumps to the Employee Profile Management - Employee Status Maintenance Log section filtered with the same From date.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Status Maintenance -This tab-level action creates and opens the Employee Status Maintenance transactions, which allows you to establish an employee on the system database.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Status Maintenance transactions, which allows you to modify the employee details.
Use this tab to enter the pay parameters information.
For more information on employee pay, refer to the More About Pay topic.
Employee Status Maintenance LogEmployee Status Maintenance Log
Use the Employee Status Maintenance Log tab to view the previous personnel action changes for the employee.
The Multiple Personnel Action is set dynamically to true if there are more than one finalized Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) record with the same effective date.
The Correction field is set to true if the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) record was marked as a correction by the user when the ESMT was submitted.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
View Change History - Select this action to view the details on the personnel actions that have been processed for the employee. This allows you to view the order in which these actions were processed and which personnel actions are corrections, to filter the rows, and to download the rows to Excel.
Pay Parameter LogPay Parameter Log
Use the Pay Parameter Log tab to view pay parameters associated with a personnel action change.
Department Specific DataDepartment Specific Data
Use this tab to enter the department specific information.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Department Specific Data -This tab-level action creates and opens the Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transactions, which allows you to record and view information regarding an employee's home unit, pay and work locations, department-specific identification, seniority, work cycle and timesheet proxy.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transactions, which allows you to modify the transaction details.
Employee AddressEmployee Address
Use this tab to enter the employee address details.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Address -This tab-level action creates and opens the Employee Address Maintenance (ADDR) transactions, which allows you to establish an employee on the system database.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Address Maintenance (ADDR) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee details.
Employee AttributesEmployee Attributes
Use this tab to enter the employee attributes.
This tab contains the following tab actions:
Create Employee Attributes -This action creates and opens the Employee Attributes (ATTR) transactions, which allows you record and view basic employee personal attributes such as date of birth, education at appointment, and veteran information.
Modify Employee Attributes - This action creates and opens the Employee Attributes (ATTR) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee attribute details.
Employment Eligibility Verification InformationEmployment Eligibility Verification Information
Use this tab to view all employment eligibility information submitted for an employee. Supporting transactions, such as the original I-9 form can also be attached, downloaded, or viewed using the Attachments button.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employment Eligibility Verification -This tab-level action creates and opens the Employment Eligibility Verification (EELV) transaction, which allows you to view and record the employee eligibility verification information.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employment Eligibility Verification (EELV) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee eligibility verification information.
Emergency Contact InformationEmergency Contact Information
Use this tab to enter the employee's contact information.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Emergency Contact -This tab-level taction creates and opens the Employee Emergency Contact (EMER) transactions, which allows you record and view information an unlimited number of emergency contacts for each employee.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Emergency Contact (EMER) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee emergency contacts details.
Employee Asset AssignmentEmployee Asset Assignment
Use this tab to enter the employee asset information.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Asset Assignment -This tab-level action creates and opens the Employee Assigned Asset Information (PASSDOC) transaction, which allows you to record information about the assets that been issued to employees.
Modify Viewable Grid of Asset Assignment - This tab-level action is used to delete or make changes to more than one record. This cause all records displayed on the grid to be made available on the Employee Assigned Asset Information (PASSDOC) page.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Assigned Asset Information (PASSDOC) transaction, which allows you to modify the asset details that been issued to employees.
Employee Work HistoryEmployee Work History
Use this section to enter the employee's work history.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Prior Work History -This tab-level action creates and opens the Employee Work History (EWRK) transactions, which allows you to record an employee's work history.
Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Prior Work History - This tab-level action is used to delete or make changes to more than one record. This cause all records displayed on the grid to be made available on the Employee Work History (EWRK) transaction.
Modify - This row-level action creates and opens the Employee Work History (EWRK) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee's work history.
Employee Anniversary DateEmployee Anniversary Date
Use this section to enter the employee’s Anniversary Date information.
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Anniversary Date - This action creates and opens the Employee Anniversary Date (ANNV) transaction, which allows you to create employee anniversary details.
Modify Anniversary Date - This action creates and opens the Employee Anniversary Date (ANNV) transaction, which allows you to modify employee anniversary details.
Employee Civil ServiceEmployee Civil Service
Use this tab to view and enter the employee’s civil service status information.
Note: This tab is hidden by default and can be made visible by using Configure Page (DESIGNER).
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Employee Civil Service Status - this tab-level action creates and opens the Employee Civil Service Status (ECIV) transaction, which allows you to record the employee’s civil service status information.
Modify - a row-level action creates and opens the Employee Civil Service Status (ECIV) transaction, which allows you to modify the employee’s civil service status information.
Delete - a row-level action to delete the selected row. This action is only allowed when:
The check box, Enable Civil Service Rules, is checked on the Civil Service Status (CIVS) page.
The employee assignment and Employee Civil Service Status (ECIV) have different values.
The Allow Non-ESMT Civil Service Update check box on Civil Service Editing Rules (CSER) is checked.
The Civil Service Deletes Allowed check box on Civil Service Division (CDIV) is checked.
Additional Employee AttributesAdditional Employee Attributes
Use this tab to view and enter employee information that is unique. The transactions on this tab are configurable via Configure Page (DESIGNER).
Note: This tab is hidden by default and can be made visible by using Configure Page (DESIGNER).
This tab contains the following actions:
Create Additional Employee Attributes- Small - this tab-level action creates and opens the Additional Employee Attributes- Small (AATS) transaction, which allows you to record and view unique information to the employee.
Create Additional Employee Attributes- Large - this tab-level action creates and opens the Additional Employee Attributes- Large (AATL) transaction, which allows you to record and view unique information to the employee.
Modify - a row-level action creates and opens the associated transaction (AATS or AATL), which allows you to modify the information.
Manage Employee Additional Information - this action opens the Employee Additional Information (EAIL or EAIS) reference page, which allows you to create or modify the information.
Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.