New Employee (NEMP)
The New Employee (NEMP) transaction allows you to add an employee to the Advantage HRM employee database and create a basic employee profile. By this you can establish a new employee without setting up information that would affect pay processing. Use this transaction to enter new employee's basic information such as First Name, Last Name, Original Appointment, Personnel Action, Department and Unit information.
If the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is set to Y, the Employee ID will be automatically generated and populated. For more information on automatic generation of Employee ID, refer to the Automatic Generation of Employee ID topic.
When the SSN Verification check box on the Personnel Action page is selected, New Employee requires the entry of Social Security Number (SSN) and performs SSN validation. By checking whether the entered SSN already exists in the system, it can be determined whether the hiring is a new hire, a rehire, or an additional appointment. If the entered SSN already exists on the Employee table in the database, an error message is issued.
For the hiring of secondary appointments, SSN verification is not performed regardless of the Personnel Action that is used for the appointment. This allows for existing employees to be hired into secondary appointments with Personnel Action codes that have the SSN Verification flags selected. SSN verification is skipped forNew Employees's that are created for non-primary appointments.
When re-hiring an employee who has SSN information in the system, a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag checked cannot be used. If a Personnel Action with the SSN Verification flag selected is used, upon validation an error message is issued, preventing the employee from being re-hired. An employee can only be re-hired using a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag selected and the employee’s SSN does not already exist in the system.
When a SSN is entered on a New Employee transaction for a new employee during their primary appointment and the transaction is submitted to final, the SSN value will be saved to the employee records. The SSN will still be retained for verification on the New Employee transaction that is in the Pending status during workflow approval process. Upon submitting to Final, the SSN will be blanked-out on the New Employee and will be populated on the employee records. If the SSN already exists on the Employee (EMPL) database table, the SSN cannot be updated using an New Employee transaction.
The SSN field will be populated when an Employee Attributes (ATTR) transaction is created or modified.
The New Employee transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.