Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT)

The Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) page allows you to establish an employee on the system database. It is also used to record all subsequent personnel actions for a given employee including: terminating and hiring personnel, salary changes, and other changes to an employee's payroll profile. This also enables you to identify when multiple personnel actions have been processed for the employee for an effective date, the order in which these actions were processed, which personnel actions are corrections, along with the ability to identify what values were changed on the historical records. This functionality depends on logged ESMT transactions and will not be available if the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) entry USE ESML LOGGING is set to false

If the Employment Status, Position Number, Step, Pay Class, Title, Sub-title, Leave Policy, Grade or Leave Progression Start Date field is changed and the leave accrual amount may be affected, then the system uses the effective date of the ESMT to determine if the change impacts any time period already processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN). If the change affects a pay period that has already been processed, a retroactive leave accrual trigger is generated and a message stating that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.

Note: If the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is set to Y, the Employee ID will be automatically generated and populated.  For more information on automatic generation of Employee ID, refer to the Automatic Generation of Employee ID topic.

The Employee Status Maintenance transaction has the following tabs:


This tab contains the employee information.

  • The Modified On and Modified By field under Employee tab. displays the last update time of each record in the table along with the User ID that made the update.

  • When the SSN Verification check box on the Personnel Action page is selected, Employee Status Maintenance requires the entry of Social Security Number (SSN) and performs SSN validation. By checking whether the entered SSN already exists in the system, it can be determined whether the hiring is a new hire, a rehire, or an additional appointment.  If the entered SSN already exists on the Employee table in the database, an error message is issued.

For the hiring of secondary appointments, SSN verification is not performed regardless of the Personnel Action that is used for the appointment.  This allows for existing employees to be hired into secondary appointments with Personnel Action codes that have the SSN Verification flags selected.  SSN verification is skipped for ESMTs that are created for non-primary appointments.  

When re-hiring an employee who has SSN information in the system, a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag checked cannot be used.  If a Personnel Action with the SSN Verification flag selected is used, upon validation an error message is issued, preventing the employee from being re-hired.  An employee can only be re-hired using a Personnel Action that has the SSN Verification flag selected and the employee’s SSN does not already exist in the system.  

When a SSN is entered on an Employee Status Maintenance transaction for a new employee during their primary appointment and the transaction is submitted to final, the SSN value will be saved to the employee records. The SSN will still be retained for verification on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction that is in the Pending status during workflow approval process. Upon submitting to final, the SSN will be blanked-out on the Employee Status Maintenance and will be populated on the employee records.  If the SSN already exists on the Employee (EMPL) database table, the SSN cannot be updated using an ESMT transaction. The SSN field will be populated when an Employee Attributes (ATTR) transaction is created or modified.

Note: You can establish a Personnel Action with the User Access Option value set to Org Update. (User Access Option on the Personnel Action (PACT) reference page allows the following valid values: ESS Only, Not Applicable, Org Update, Restore Suspended, Revoke, Revoke and Lock Out and Suspend.) When this PACT code is used on an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT), an HRDOC is automatically generated and submitted to update the new Home Department and Home Unit information for the employee on the HRM and Administration tables

  • Multiple Personnel Action is a display only check box. This check box is set automatically to true if an existing ESMT record is being updated with the same effective date.

For example: An ESMT has been submitted for an employee with a personnel action to be effective on 7/1/2013. The employee assignment and Employee Status Maintenance Log records for this time slice would be 7/1/2013 to 12/31/9999. Later, another personnel action is created for the same employee to begin on 7/1/2013. The Multiple Personnel Action check box would be checked to show that a personnel action has already been submitted for this effective date.

  • The Correction check box is used when you are correcting an existing personnel action for an ESMT transaction record with the same effective date. If you select the Correction check box when no ESMT or employee assignment record exists with the same effective date, an error message is issued indicating that a finalized ESMT for the effective date must have already been processed for a correction to be made.   

  • Enter the Taxing Entity code to enable HRM to establish a single employee in the HRM application multiple times, and link each one to a unique employer instance for payroll and tax filing purposes. This feature enables linking employees (Individual Providers) to multiple employers (Recipient) and vice versa.

  • If the Infer From Sub-Title action is selected, values for Pay Class, Union Local, and Percent Full Time are inferred from Sub-Title. This inference only occurs when the Title, Sub-Title, and From date fields are all populated for the employee and when the Pay Class, Percent Full Time, and Union Local fields are blank. Manual override of these fields can be restricted by the Allow FTE% Override, Allow Union Local Override, and Allow Pay Class Override fields on Sub-Title. You can select these check boxes to allow the Percent Full Time, Union Local, and Pay Class inferred fields to be manually overwritten on the Employee Status Maintenance. If these check boxes are cleared, you will not be able to override these inferred fields on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction. When employee override is not allowed, you are required to enter Percent Full Time and Pay Class values on the Sub Title page. The Union Local field is not allowed if the Union Member field is set to Not Represented on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction.

  • The probationary start and end date fields can be automatically populated based on setup. In order to eliminate manual entries, Advantage HRM ties probationary lengths to the Title/Sub-Title level. The Probationary Period field on Sub-Title contains two inputs; a number field and a drop-down list. The drop-down list indicates if the Probationary Period is in Days or in Months.  The number field establishes the number of days or months in a Probationary Period.

  • Set Probation Start Date and Probation End Date as required on Personnel Edit Rules (PEDT) page and select the Yes/No Flag on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) for the USE PEDT CONSIST EDITS and USE PEDT SIMPLE EDITS parameters.

  • Select the Probation Required check box for the Personnel Action code on the Personnel Action page.

The following rules apply:

  • If the Probation Start and Probation End Dates are required on Employee Status Maintenance, they are automatically populated based on the settings in the Probationary Period fields.

  • When probation dates are required and the Probation Start Date is left blank, it is populated with the ESMT transaction’s From date.  If the Probation End Date is left blank, it is set as the Probation Start Date plus the Probationary Period from Sub-Title

  • If the Probation Start Date needs to be different from the transaction’s From date, it can be manually entered. If a Probation Start Date is manually entered, and the Probation End Date is left blank, Probation End Date is set as the entered Probation Start Date plus the Probationary Period from Sub-Title.

  • If a Probation End Date needs to be different from the calculated end date, it can also be manually entered.  This does not cause a calculation of the Probation Start Date based on the Probationary Period.  

  • If the Probationary Period CVL unit is set to Days, the value in the number field is added to Probation Start Date in days to calculate the Probation End Date.  

  • If the Probationary Period CVL unit is set to Months, Probation End Date is calculated by incrementing the month of the Probation Start Date with the value in the number field, while the date remains the same.  If the increment results in crossing calendar year, the month and year are adjusted accordingly.

  • If Probation End Date has been calculated and populated based on the Probationary Period on Sub-Title, an informational message is issued to inform that the calculation has occurred.

  • If probation dates are required and Probationary Period is blank on Sub-Title, Advantage HRM an error is issued requiring the manual entry of the Probation Start and Probation End Dates. The probation dates are not automatically populated if the Probationary Period is blank on Sub-Title.

  • The Step Progression Start Date field is used in conjunction with the Employee Step Advancement functionality to automate Step increase within a Grade for table driven paid employees. When the Step Advance Processing batch job is ran where employees meet all batch parameter requirements and the date entered in the Step Progression Start Date field falls within their next pay period, the employees are eligible for step advancement. The system will then generate a new Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions with the step increase and with the Step Progression Start Date updated based on what is entered within the Months to Next Step Advance field on Step Placement and Progression Rule (SPPRL) for each employee selected by the Step Advance Processing batch job.  

This tab contains the following related actions:

  • Clear Position Attributes - When this action is selected, the values are removed from the following fields: Assignment Type, Time Class, Union Affiliation, Title, Sub-Title, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number.

  • Clear Position Overrides - When this action is selected, the values are removed from the following fields: FLSA Profile, FLSA Exempt Flag, CCOMP Profile, CCOMP Exempt Flag, Pay Policy, Leave Policy, Benefits Policy, and Grade.

  • Infer from Sub-Title - When the Infer from Sub-Title action is selected and the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date fields are entered on the ESMT, the following fields are inferred from Sub-Title: Pay Class, Union Local, and FTE%. This inference only occurs when the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date fields are all populated for the employee and when the Pay Class, Percent Full Time, and Union Local fields are blank. Manual override of these fields can be restricted by the Allow FTE% Override, Allow Union Local Override, and Allow Pay Class Override fields on Sub-Title. You can check these boxes to allow the Percent Full Time, Union Local, and Pay Class inferred fields to be manually overwritten on the ESMT. If unchecked, you will not be able to override these inferred fields on the ESMT. When employee override is disallowed, you are required to enter Percent Full Time and Pay Class values on the Sub-Title page. The Union Local field is not allowed if the Union Member field is set to Not Represented on the ESMT transaction.

For more information on employee pay, refer to the More About Pay topic.

The Employee tab of the Employee Status Maintenance transaction contain the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

ACA Full-time

This check box indicates if an employee is full time per Affordable Care Act (ACA) guidelines.

This field is only applicable to the employee’s primary appointment because its status corresponds with primary appointment dates.

ACA Non-Assessment End

The date associated with the expiration of the employee’s Limited Non-Assessment Period.

Note: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows a period of up to 90 days from the hire date where an employee falls into a Limited Non-Assessment Period. During this period, the employee does not have to receive an Offer of Coverage. For a comprehensive description of Limited Non-Assessment Period see the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) instructions for IRS Form 1095-C at IRS.gov/ACA.  

Alternate ID

The Alternate ID associated with the employee.

Applicant ID

The identification code associated with the applicant. This field is required on New Employee (NEMP) and Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) if the Applicant Required check box is selected on the Personnel Action (PACT) page.

Appointment ID

If this field is blank, the employee data pertains to the employee's primary (blank) appointment.  If the employee holds more than one appointment, this field represents the appropriate appointment identification number for the employee. If this field contains an asterisk (*), the employee data pertains to all appointments.

Assignment Type


The assignment type associated with the employee.  This information is used during Fall Staff Survey reporting and Equal Employment Opportunity data (EEO) reporting which categorize employees based on their type of employment. Valid values are:

  • Permanent

  • Temporary

The Assignment Type indicator on Employee Status Maintenance, along with employee Title information, is used to determine eligibility for the PEIMS extract files listed below.

  • 040 Staff Data - Identification/Demographic

  • 043 Staff Data - Demographic

  • 045 Staff Data - Staff ID Number Change

  • 050 Staff Data - Employment - Payroll Summary

  • 060 Staff Data - Employment Payroll Accounting

  • 090 Staff Data - Responsibilities

Benefits Policy

If you want to override the benefits policy associated with the employee's title/sub-title, enter the benefits policy which should govern the employee's deductions.

Benefits Policy Description

The short description of the policy.

Benefits Progression Start

The date associated with the employee's benefits progression. Required if the BENEFITS SITE and USE PROGRESS FOR BENEFITS parameters on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page are set to true; otherwise, this field is optional.

Birth Date

The Birth Date field is a tertiary field on ESMT and can be enabled by sites for their usage. 
The Birth Date in general is allowed entry and modification via the Employee Attribute (ATTR) transaction. 
Sites can use allow update of this field via ESMT for new hires by updating from DESIGNER and mandating it via use of configurable validations based on the Personnel Action  codes. For example, sites can mandate entry of Birth Date via ESMT when using PACTs wih the SSN Verification flag or New Appointment flag set to true.
This field should be entered in MM/DD/CCYY format.
The Birth Date entered on an ESMT will be displayed on ATTR transaction when it is created/modified. 
However, the Birth Date field will not be displayed when an ESMT is modified for an existing employee.


A value to override the CCOMP status associated with the employee's title. Must be blank for secondary appointments, or optional otherwise.

CCOMP Profile

To override the CCOMP profile associated with the employee's sub-title, enter the CCOMP profile code, which governs the way CCOMP is calculated for the employee. Must be blank for secondary appointments, or optional otherwise.

CCOMP Profile Description

The short description of the CCOMP profile code.

Civil Service Status

The identification code associated with the civil service status code.

Civil Service Class Description

The short description of the status.


The Comments field allows you to enter information regarding why the particular action was taken. You can also view the same information in the ESMT log as well.


This check box is used when you are correcting an existing personnel action for an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction with the same effective date.

If you select the Correction check box when no Employee Status Maintenance or employee assignment record exists with the same effective date, an error message is issued indicating that a finalized Employee Status Maintenance for the effective date must have already been processed for a correction to be made.

EEO Full-time

Indicates whether the employee is considered full-time under the EEO classification. Must be set to Y or N for primary appointments or to N/A for secondary appointments.

Email Address

The email address associated with the contact. The email address associated with the contact. This email address will be carried forward when modifying an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction and should be auto-populated when creating the Employee Address (ADDR) and HR Document (HRDOC) for the employee.

Employee ID

The identification code associated with the employee. The Employee ID is used to identify the employee in the system.  This code can be any combination of letters and numbers and can be from 1 to 10 characters in length. If the Yes/No Flag for the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is selected, the Employee ID field will be automatically generated and cannot be entered or modified by the user. If the Yes/No Flag is cleared, the Employee ID field on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction must be manually entered by a user.

In order to change an existing Employee ID, the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) can be used. The Generate New ID check box on the EICF form must be selected, and the New Employee ID field must be left blank.

Employment Status

The identification code associated with the employment status code. This code indicates the status of an employee (for example active, terminated, retired,). You can enter up to 10 employment statuses on the Personnel Action (PACT) reference page. The Employment status 1 is a required field.

Employment Status Description

The short description of the employment status code.

Exclude from FTE Benefit

If this check box is selected, it indicates that the employee's appointment should be excluded in the calculation of the benefit costs based on FTE percentages.

First Name

The first name associated with the individual.


A value to override the FLSA status associated with the employee's title. Must be blank for secondary appointments, or optional otherwise.

FLSA Profile  

Description The short description of the FLSA profile code.


The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.


The grade associated with the employee. If it is desired to override the grade specified on the Title (TITL) page, enter a value for the grade.

Grade Description

The short description of the grade code.

Home Department

The identification code associated with the operating entity for which the employee works.

Home Department Description

The description associated with the Department.

Home Unit

The identification code associated with the management unit to which the employee reports.

Home Unit

Description The description associated with the Unit.

Job Notice ID

The identification number associated with the job notice. This information is used by the Applicant Tracking Subsystem to track an applicant/employee through the appointment process.

Kronos Pay Rule

This field is used to store the Kronos pay rule associated with an employee.

Last Name

The last name associated with the individual.

Leave Policy

If it is desired to override the leave policy associated with the employee's title/sub-title, enter the leave policy which should govern the employee's leave accrual and usage.

Leave Policy Description

The short description of the leave policy code.

Leave Progression Start

The date associated with the employee's leave progression. The system uses this date to calculate the appropriate automated leave accrual rate as well as the appropriate set of leave accrual and usage rules. Required if the USE PROG ON LEAVE CATEGORY parameter is true, or USE PROGRESS FOR LEAVE parameter is set to true on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page. Otherwise, it is optional to enter a value in this field.  Note:  Leave accrual only happens at the leave type level; category level fields are reserved for future use.

During the Date Advance Processing batch job, the Leave Progression Start date is updated for employees who have reached their Leave Without Pay (LWOP) milestone date after each payroll run.  

Middle Name

The middle name associated with the individual.

Multiple Personnel Action

The Multiple Personnel Action is a display only check box. This check box is set dynamically to true if an existing Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) record is being updated with the same effective date.

For example: An Employee Status Maintenance has been submitted for an employee with a personnel action to be effective on 7/1/2021. The employee assignment and Employee Status Maintenance Log records for this time slice would be 7/1/2021 to 12/31/9999.

Later, another personnel action is created for the same employee to begin on 7/1/2021. The Multiple Personnel Action check box would be checked to show that a personnel action has already been submitted for this effective date.


 The full name (last name, first name, and middle initial) of the applicant, employee, dependent, or contact that is being referenced.

Next Evaluation Date

This field is used to track an employee’s next evaluation date when the Date Advance logic is used.

When the value entered in the Next Evaluation Date field matches the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) DATE ADVANCE EXCLUSION DATE Text Value, it triggers logic within the Date Advance batch job.

The logic calculates how many whole increments of total accumulated hours for the Service Hour Type code the employee has compared to the Service Hour Type Limit, and will increase the current value from the Employee Status Maintenance by that many months. The Next Evaluation field is updated when the Date Advance job is run.  

Note: The Next Evaluation Date field doesn’t have any impact on the Employee Evaluation (EPEV) transaction. Also if you are not running the Date Advance batch job, this field can be used to track any date related to an employee.  

Original Appointment Date

The date that the employee was originally appointed to an assignment. The field should be entered as mm/dd/ccyy format.

Pay Class

The identification code associated with the pay class that groups together employees for whom pay is calculated and paid in an identical manner. For example, "EBH80" could denote all exception employees who are paid biweekly, and on an hourly basis.

For Employee Status Maintenance /Position Maintenance:

If the Site Specific Parameter STTL PAY CLASS CROSS EDIT is set to true, the Pay Class code entered on Employee Status Maintenance/Position Maintenance must match the code entered on Sub-Title.

If the Allow Pay Class Override check box on Sub-Title is false (cleared), the Pay Class code should match the Pay Class code defined at the Sub-Title level. Pay Class can be inferred onto the Employee Status Maintenance transaction by selecting the Infer From Sub-Title action from the tab-level menu. This inference only occurs when all the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date fields are populated for the employee and when the Pay Class fields is blank.

Pay Class Description

The short description of the pay class.

Pay Location

The identification code associated with the pay location.

Pay Location Description

The description associated with pay location.

Payroll Number

The identification code associated with the payroll number.

Payroll Number Description

The short description of the payroll number.

Pay Policy

If it is desired to override the pay policy associated with the employee's title/sub-title, enter the pay policy which should govern the employee's pay.

Pay Policy Description

 The short description of the pay policy code.

Pay Progression Start

The date to be used by the system as the progression start date in calculating table-driven pay. Alternatively, for informational purposes, you may enter the date the employee entered into a title or title group.

For the Date Advance Processing logic, the Pay Progression Start date stores the date when the employee is eligible for next pay increase or merit increment. Within the Date Advance Processing job, this date is updated for employees who have reached their Leave Without Pay (LWOP) milestone date after each payroll run and who will reach their Pay Progression Start date anniversary in the next payroll run.

Percent Full-time

The percent that the employee works full-time in the position. For example, enter 1.0 if the employee works full-time or 0.5000 if the employee works 50% of the time. To enter a percent that is greater than 1.0, the FTE PERCENT LIMIT parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page must be set to establish the maximum threshold percentage that may be entered. For a split position number, the amount in the field will reflect the total FTE percentage across all positions associated with this appointment.

The Percent Full-time cannot exceed the maximum limit specified by the FTE PERCENT LIMIT SPAR parameter.

On ESMT, if the Allow FTE% Override field on Sub-Title (STTL) is false (not selected), the FTE% value entered must equal the FTE% value defined at the Sub-Title level. You are not allowed to override this value on Employee Status Maintenance.

Performance Policy

If it is desired to override the performance policy associated with the employee's sub-title, enter the performance policy that should govern the employee's performance assessment.

Personnel Action Code

The identification code associated with the personnel action code. This code is used to describe the action being taken on an employee’s assignment. (For example. new hire, promotion, salary increase, and so on.)

Personnel Action Description

The short description of the personnel action code.

Personnel Action Reason

The identification code associated with the personnel action reason code.

Personnel Action Reason Description

The short description of the personnel action reason code.

Position Number

The identification number associated with the position number.

Position Number Description

The description associated with position number.


The prefix associated with the employee.

Probation Start Date

The start date of the employee's probation period.

Probation End Date

The end date of the employee's probation period.

Salary Ratio

The Salary Ratio is required when Table Driven Pay is Use Compa-ratio. The Salary Ratio is used in combination with the Use Table Driven Pay option Use Compa-ratio to determine the employee’s pay rate based on a Mid Point within a salary range.  Enter the percentage to be multiplied with the salary range Mid Point to determine the employee's Pay Rate (or Pay Rate * 12 for Monthly calculations) that will result in an Annual Rate for the employee.   The value entered for Salary Ratio must be positive.

  • For an Annual Compa-Ratio: Annual Rate = Salary Ratio * Mid Point.  For example, if the salary range Midpoint is $30,000 and the Salary Ratio for a Grade Level is 1.05, the Annual Rate will be $31.500.00.  for that Grade Level.

  • For a Monthly Compa-Ratio: Annual Rate = 12 * Salary Ratio * Mid Point.  For example, if the Monthly Midpoint is $2,500 and the Salary Ratio is .95, then the Annual Rate will be $28,500. (12 * $2,500 * .95).

The Compa-Ratio Salary Calculation is calculated by first determining the proper Midpoint pay rate:

  • If Grade is specified on the employee’s appointment, this grade and the employee’s pay policy are used to find the Pay Rate on Pay Policy Rate (PPRT).

If Grade is not specified on the appointment, the grade from the employee’s title and the employee’s pay policy are used to find the Pay Rate on Pay Policy Rate (PPRT).

Social Security Number

Enter the employee’s Social Security Number (SSN), if this is a primary appointment for the employee.  If the SSN Verification field on Personnel Action (PACT) is selected, this field is required and SSN Verification will occur.  Otherwise, this field is optional, and SSN Verification will not occur.   

By entering the SSN, Advantage HRM is able to determine if the employee’s SSN already exists in the system, and therefore, determine whether the hiring is a new hire, a rehire, or an additional appointment.  If the entered SSN already exists, an error message is issued.

For the hiring of secondary appointments, SSN verification is not performed regardless of the Personnel Action that is used for the appointment, so that existing employees can be hired into secondary appointments with Personnel Action codes that have the SSN Verification flags selected.  SSN verification is skipped for Employee Status Maintenances’ that are created for non-primary appointments.

The SSN entered on Employee Status Maintenance is only used for validation purposes and is not saved onto any operational tables in the database.  It will not update any employee tables in the database, nor will it be stored anywhere but on the Employee Status Maintenance tables.  Once the Employee Status Maintenance transaction is processed to Final, the SSN field is blanked out.

Split Job Notice ID

If selected, indicates that the Job Applicant is split between two job notices and a Position Distribution Profile (PDPR) must be created for the employee and the Job Notice field must be left blank.

Split Position

When selected, indicates that the current assignment is using a split position. When selected, that Position ID cannot be entered.


The identification code associated with the Step. Step is in an increment within a Grade. Each Step is defined on the Step (STEP) table and assigned to the employee on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction.

This field is required if the SPAR flag for USE STEP FOR TD PAY FLAG is selected and Table-Driven pay is selected.

Step Description

The short description of the step code.


The identification code associated with the Sub-Title.

Suffix Name

 The suffix associated with the employee.

Table Driven Pay

Select Yes if the employee's base pay rate is determined by a rate entered on the Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) page. Select No if the employee's base pay rate must be entered on Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page. Select Use Compa-ratio if the employee's base pay rate is determined by compa-ratio pay, (that is, by the Salary Ratio entered on Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) page) and a rate entered on the related Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) page.

Taxing Entity

The taxing entity code associated with the employee.

When using the NextGen payroll service, Gross-to-Net (GTN) assigns the employee’s pay and deduction details to this taxing entity.

Time Class

The time class associated with the employee.

Time Class Description

The short description of the time classification code.


The identification code associated with the Title. Title represents the job function within an organization.

Title Description

The short description of the title code.


The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

Union Local

The identification code associated with the union local.

If the Allow Union Local Override field on Sub-Title (STTL) is false (not selected, the Union Local value on the Employee Status Maintenance must equal the Union Local value defined at the Sub-Title level. You are not allowed to override this value on the Employee Status Maintenance. The value must be entered on STTL.

Union Local can be inferred onto the Employee Status Maintenance transaction by selecting the Infer From Sub-Title button. This inference only occurs when the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date fields are all populated for the employee and when the Union Local field is blank.

The Union Local value from the Sub-Title will not be inferred onto the Employee Status Maintenance transaction if the Union Member field on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction is set to Not Represented.

Union Local Description

The short description of the union local code.

Union Member

Indicates whether the employee is an active member of a union.

Leave this field blank if the employee is not eligible to be a union member (for example, if no union exists for the employee's occupation). Select Not Represented if the employee is not represented by any union.

Union Member should be set to Yes or No only if Union Local is entered. Select Yes, if the employee is a union member or No if the employee is not a union member.

This field is required if the Site Specific Parameter USE PEDT SIMPLE EDITS is set to Y, and the Union Member field on Personnel Edit Rules (PEDT) for the entered Personnel Action and Personnel Action Reason is set to Required.


The identification code associated with override vendor.

Work Location

 The identification code associated with the work location.

Work Location Description

The description associated with work location.

Pay ParametersPay Parameters

Use this tab to enter the employee's pay parameters. Enter the Pay Type, Amount/Percent Indicator and effective period in From date and To date fields. Select the flag Bypass From Date Inference to indicate that the From date for this pay parameter must not be inferred from the header information of Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT). This overrides the Infer ESMT From Date flag on the Personnel Edit Rules (PEDT) page for the specified pay parameter.

The Pay Parameters tab of the Employee Status Maintenance transaction contain the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description


The amount associated with the pay rate. The amount associated with the pay rate. When the Amount Basis ID is either Monthly Compa-ratio or Annual Compa-ratio, this field signifies the salary midpoint or market rate.

Amount/Percent Indicator

Determines whether the rate of pay is expressed as an amount or a percent.

Bypass From Date Inference

When selected, this flag indicates that the From Date for this pay parameter must not be inferred from the header page of Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT). This overrides the Infer ESMT From Date flag on Personnel Edit Rules (PEDT) for the specified pay parameter.

Each line on the Pay Parameter tab, where Bypass From Date Inference is not selected, will infer the From Date on the ESMT header.  An informational message is issued for each pay parameter line that is automatically updated.


The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.

Pay Type

The pay type associated with the employee. At least one pay parameter must be specified if the Table-Driven Pay field is set to No. This pay type must represent the employee's base pay. If the field is set to Yes, the pay parameter may not be base pay.

Any entered Pay Type entered must be valid for the employee's Pay Policy entry on Pay Policy Event Type (PPET).  During validation, the system tries to match a PPET entry with the employee's Pay Policy and entered Pay Event combination.  If no match is found, the system looks to the PPET table using wildcard ('*****') as the Pay Policy value and Pay Event combination.  If still no entry is found, an error is issued.

Pay Type Description

 The short description of the event code.


The percent value associated with the pay rate.


The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

The Employee Status Maintenance transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create Employment Status Maintenance tab-level action on the Employee tab of the Employee Profile Management activity folder.

To create an employee's secondary appointment, refer to the "Creating Secondary Appointments" topic.