Creating Secondary Appointments

An employee can hold more than one appointment. The first appointment into which you enter an employee is the primary appointment. Any additional appointments the employee has while working in a primary appointment are considered secondary appointments. Secondary appointments are not counted in the Equal Employment Opportunity reporting. In addition, FLSA information is based on the primary appointment; therefore, no FLSA information can be entered for the secondary appointment.

To create a secondary appointment for an existing employee, you can modify the Employment Status Maintenance transaction in the following way:

  1. Select the Modify Employment Status Maintenance row-level action on the Employee Status Maintenance tab on the Employee Profile Management activity folder.

  2. In the EEO Full-time field, select N/A to indicate the employee’s secondary appointment should not be counted in EEO reporting.

  3. Leave the FLSA and FLSA Profile while creating the secondary appointment. The FLSA information is based on the employee’s primary appointment.

  4. You can enter or revise other fields as needed.

  5. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  6. Select Submit to record the secondary appointment in the system.