Employment Status (EMPS)

The Employment Status (EMPS) reference page allows you to define and identify employment statuses. The system refers to the employee's status to determine whether the employee may receive pay, have deductions taken, accrue and use leave and be counted in the workforce. This page also determines the number of months an employee’s information can stay in the system with this status before the employee’s information is archived. Furthermore, this page also determines if the employee will be included on specific reports (EEO6, IPEDS and so on).

This page also indicates if an employee is on extended leave and employees who are in this employment status will not be able to submit a Travel Authorization or Travel Expense Report transactions while on extended leave.

Field InformationField Information

The Employment Status reference page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

From Date

The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format. The field populates the From dates on each document in the packet.

To Date

The last date for which this information is effective.  The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

Employment Status  

The identification code associated with the employment status code. This code indicates the status of an employee (for example active, terminated, retired and so on). You can enter up to 10 employment statuses on the Personnel Action (PACT) reference page. The Employment status 1 is a required field.

Short Description 

The short description of the employment status code.

Long Description 

Default is Short Description entry.  The long description of the employment status code.

Base Pay Type

The identification code associated with the base pay type for employees with the status.
Note: The Base Pay Type field is a required field on the Employment Status page if any of the following check boxes are selected (True): 

  • Accept Leave Events

  • Accept Pay Events

  • Generate Exception Pay

Number Of Months Before Archive

The number of months before employee data for a particular status is archived. Enter zero to indicate that any records for employees with this status are never archived.

Extended Leave  

This check box indicates that an employee is on extended leave. When this check box is selected, employees who are in this employment status will not be able to submit an Advantage Travel Authorization or Travel Expense Report transaction while on extended leave.

The Employee role user can save and discard the Travel transactions while in this status.
If this check box is cleared, Employee role users in this employment status will be able to successfully save, submit, and discard Travel transactions.

Accept Leave Events 

If selected, indicates that it is permissible for employees to have leave events while in this status. If not selected, indicates employees may not submit leave events while in this status.

Accept Pay Events 

If selected, indicates employees may submit pay events while in this status. If not selected indicates employees cannot submit pay events while in this status.

Accept One-time Adjustments 

If selected, indicates that One-Time Deduction and One-Time Payment updates can be produced for employees in this employment status. If not selected, One-Time Deduction and One-Time Payment updates cannot be produced for employees in this employment status.

Print Timesheet

If selected, indicates timesheets should be printed for the employee in this status. If not selected, indicates timesheets should not be printed for employees in this status.

Generate Exception Pay

If selected, indicates that the system should automatically generate exception pay while employees are in this status. If not selected, indicates that the system should not generate exception pay for any employees in this status.

Generate Paycheck 

This flag determines whether a check is printed when the net pay is zero. If this flag is not selected, a zero check will not be printed. If this flag is selected, a zero check will be printed. This also applies to EFT deposits.

Generate Leave Accruals

 If selected, indicates that employees in this status should have automated leave accruals generated. If not selected, indicates that employees in this status should not have leave accruals automatically generated.

Count in workforce 

If selected, indicates employees with this status should be counted as part of the workforce and included in EEO reporting. If not selected, indicates employees should not be counted in the workforce and EEO reporting when in this status.


This field identifies whether or not an individual in this Employment Status is considered an employee.

Include in EEO-6

Select the check box to indicate whether the employees should be included in EEO-6.  Clear the check box if the employees should not be included.

On Sabbatical/Leave  

If selected, employees in this status are sabbatical or leave.  If not selected, the employee is not on sabbatical or leave.

Include In IPEDS

If selected, the employee is to be included in IPEDS. If not selected, the employee is not to be included in IPEDS.

Include In Tenure Rollover  

Flag used to indicate whether or not the tenure of the specified employee should rollover.

Include In AAUP 

If checked, the employee is to be included in AAUP.  If not checked, the employee is not to be included in AAUP.

Include In Phone Directory  

Flag used to indicate whether or not the specified record should be included in the phone directory.

Report 1

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 2 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 3 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 4  

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 5 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 6 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 7

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 8 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 9 

One can generate and include up to ten reports.

Report 10

One can generate and include up to ten reports.