Learning and Career Development (MEILCD)
The Learning and Career Development landing page makes it easy for you to record and track an employee’s educational background and training by gathering all related pages into one place.
After opening the Learning and Career Development landing page, use the Employee Search icon and grid to search for and select the appropriate employee. You can then access all pages necessary for entering or modifying the selected employee’s education and training records from the carousal.
The Learning and Career Development landing page contains carousal that allows you to perform the following functions:
Licenses and CertificationsLicenses and Certifications
Use the License and Certification tab to enter employee licenses and certification information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Licenses and Certifications -This action creates and opens the Employee Licenses and Certifications (LCNS) transactions, allows you to manage employees' licenses and certifications information.
Modify Employee Licenses and Certifications - This action creates and opens the Employee Licenses and Certifications (LCNS) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee details.
Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Licenses and Certifications - This action is used to modify or delete more than one record. If you intend to modify more than one record, select the Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Licenses and Certifications link. This will cause all records displayed on the grid to be made available on the Employee Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Licenses and Certifications page at one time.
Employee Competency ProfileEmployee Competency Profile
Use the Employee Competency Profile tab to enter employee competency information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Competency Profile - This action creates and opens the Employee Competency Profile (ECMP) transactions, allows you to define employees' competency profiles.
Modify Employee Competency Profile - This action creates and opens the Employee Competency Profile (ECMP) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee competency details.
Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Competency Profile - This action is used to modify or delete more than one record. If you intend to modify more than one record, select the Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Competency Profile link. This will cause all records displayed on the grid to be made available on the Employee Competency Profile page at one time.
Employee Education HistoryEmployee Education History
Use the Employee Education History tab to enter employee education history information.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Employee Education History - This action creates and opens the Employee Education History (EEDH) transactions, which allows you to record employees' education history information during their learning and career development.
Modify Employee Education History - This action creates and opens the Employee Education History (EEDH) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee education details.
Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Education History - This action is used to modify or delete more than one record. If you intend to modify more than one record, select the Modify Viewable Grid of Employee Education History link. This will cause all records displayed on the grid to be made available on the Employee Education History (EEDH) page at one time.
Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.