Organization Chart Settings

The Organization Chart Settings (ORGS) page allows you to define the settings for the Organization Chart (MEIORG) page. It is defined at the Home Department and Home Unit level and can be wildcarded for all.

Field InformationField Information

The Organization Chart Settings page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description


The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.


The last date this information is effective. The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

Home Department 

The identification code associated with the operating entity.

Home Unit

The identification code associated with the management unit.

Organization Chart Max Rows

This field is used on the Override Max Rows on the Organizational Charting Gateway (OCG) page and is compared to the value in this field and issues errors if it exceeds the ORGS value or 0.
This field controls the maximum number of rows that can be exported out of Advantage HRM to use in the organization chart.

Edit Organization Chart

Indicates how the Edit Organization Chart option displays on the Organization Chart (MEIORG) page.

  • If checked, the Edit Organization Chart option  is displayed under the Organization Chart page.

  • If unchecked, the Edit Organization Chart option is not displayed under the Organization Chart page. 

Organization Tree Hierarchy

 When set to Position, the Home Department/Unit combination uses the organization chart as position based hierarchy and the organization chart is displayed in a position reporting structure. 

When set to Supervisor, the Home Department/Unit combination uses the organization chart as supervisor based hierarchy and the organization chart is displayed in supervisor employee reporting structure. For example, an employee reporting to an employee. 

Organization Tree Level

Defines the maximum levels of reporting structure downwards, which is inclusive of the user logged in. The logged in user is also considered as a level. Valid values are from 1 to 7 that indicates the reporting structure level needed at the site level minimum being 1 and maximum being 7.

Local Hierarchy 

Indicates how the Organization Chart (MEIORG) page will load.

  • No - Displays the Local Hierarchy check box on MEIORG and is defaulted to unchecked.

  • Not Allowed - Hides the Local Hierarchy check box option on MEIORG so that the user is unable to see anyone else’s Local Hierarchy but their own

  • Yes - Displays the Local Hierarchy check box on MEIORG and is defaulted to checked, loading the page with Local Hierarchy in place.

Show Peers

Indicates how the Organization Chart (MEIORG) page will load.

  • No - Allows the Show Peers check box on MEIORG and is displayed if/when the Local Hierarchy check box is selected.

  • Not Allowed - Hides the Show Peers check box option on MEIORG and the user will not be able to see any peers regardless of which node is selected.

  • Yes - Displays the Show Peers check box on MEIORG and is defaulted to checked, loading the page with Show Peers in place.

Display Employee Name for Position 

Indicates if the Employee Name should display when the Organization Chart is set to ‘Position View’. 

  • If checked, the first employee record retrieved for a position will display on the node within Position View.

  • If unchecked, the employee name will not display on the node while in Position View.