Step 3 - Maintenance Employee Assignment Updates

The Personnel Action Wizard Maintenance Employee Assignment (PAWMEA) page displays Employee Assignment information as of the ESMT Effective Date (on PACTWP).

Data on this page is used to create the ESMT transaction to place the employee in a non-paid terminated status.  

  1. Fields on this page are displayed based on settings on the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Employee Assignment (PAWREA) page.  For example, you may input a non-active Payroll Number to prevent the employee from being picked up in future payroll runs.  Enter or update the information on this page as necessary.  Please refer to field-level help for specific information for the fields on this page.  Applicable data may consist of the following:

  2. Personnel Action Code

  3. Personnel Action Reason

  4. Employment Status

  5. From Date - calculated by adding Days Until Final Action (on PAWREA) to ESMT Effective Date on PACTW.  This is the first date that the employee is moved to inactive status.

  6. Payroll Number

  1. If you need to review the current employee’s assignments prior to starting processing, go to the Employee Profile Management activity folder.

Note: Fields on this page are ‘dynamically’ displayed.  Based on the rules set up on the PAWREA page, fields that have rules of Set to Blank and Infer From Current Value are not displayed on this page and hence the remaining fields within each section are shifted to cover the blank spaces. When all fields within a section are hidden, the section still displays with section name and blank lines.

  1. Once all fields are input on this page, select Continue to proceed to the next page. The next page displayed depends on which options were chosen on the Verify Processing (PACTWP) page or if there were values in the Maintenance Personnel Action/Maintenance Personnel Action Reason.

  2. If there are no values in the Maintenance Personnel Action/Maintenance Personnel Action Reason and there are no Deductions/Benefits or Leave Payouts to be processed, the final processing page is displayed. Select the Finish button to complete the wizard and initiate processing. Refer to Step 6 - Verify and Complete Wizard for further instructions. At this point, the wizard processes the personnel action change according to the Processing Mode that is selected on the PACTW page.

  3. If there are values in the Maintenance Personnel Action/Maintenance Personnel Action Reason and there are Deductions/Benefits or Leave Payouts to be processed proceed to the next step in the Personnel Action Wizard.

  4. If there are no values in the Maintenance Personnel Action/Maintenance Personnel Action Reason on PAWREA page, then the Maintenance Employee Assignment tab on PACTW is skipped and moved to the next tab.

  5. Refer to the following topics for additional steps:

  6. Step 4 - Deduction Benefits Updates

  7. Step 5 - Leave Balance Updates

  8. Step 6 - Verify and Complete Wizard

  9. Step 7 - WESMT Links