Workers' Compensation

Workers' compensation, also known as workmans' comp, is a state-mandated insurance program that provides compensation to employees who suffer job-related injuries and illnesses. While the federal government administers a workers' comp program for federal and certain other types of employees, each state has its own laws and programs for workers' compensation.

In general, an employee with a work-related illness or injury can get workers' compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault -- the employee, the employer, a coworker, a customer, or some other third party.

Advantage HRM provides the ability to track information specific to employee incidents, including information pertaining to any compensation claims resulting thereafter.  The Workers' Compensation claim processing functionality in Advantage HRM aids in submitting workers' compensation claims and tracking the entire life cycle of the submitted claims.

Advantage HRM supports the following functions in relation to Workers' Compensation:

  • An automated means to calculate a percentage of each employee's gross pay (based on an employee's title) to set aside in a workers' compensation reserve account. 

  • A means to reimburse leave that an employee used during the workers' compensation waiting period

  • A report to notify the retirement administrator regarding the number of full or partial days that an employee was out on workers' compensation leave in order for those days to be subtracted from the days that count toward retirement

  • A process to calculate the amount of additional leave an employee can charge to supplement workers’ compensation in order to receive the same amount of pay as if they were working their regular hours

  • Links in the online documentation to PDF files to rules, regulations, calculations, and frequently asked questions specific to your site

Refer to the following topics for more information: