Workers' Compensation Reference Page Setup
The following reference pages are required in order to use the Workers' Compensation processing in Advantage HRM:
Work Status - allows you to define and maintain various work statuses. Work Statuses can also be defined as having temporary or permanent work restrictions using this page.
Claim Status - allows you to define and maintain various claim statuses used to define compensation claim status.
Claim Type - allows you to define and maintain claim types.
Payment Type - allows you to define and maintain claim payment types.
Site Specific Parameters - The following parameters are used to indicate the Workers' Compensation Rate, SIC/NAICS Number, Workers' Compensation Waiting Period and Retroactive Period, and the Maximum Benefit Percentage pertaining to the claims:
WORKERS COMP SIC/NAICS NUMBER - The Yes/No Flag must be selected to indicate that your site uses the SIC/NAICS Number for the workers’ compensation claim processing. This shall define the type of the industrial standards that a site supports for Workers' Compensation claims. The Text Value indicated defines whether it is SIC or NAICS standards. The Numeric Value field indicated shall define the SIC or NAICS Number.
WORKERS COMP WAITING PERIOD - Indicates the waiting period that must be met before a workers' compensation claim is accepted and payment of compensation benefits can begin. During the waiting period, employees may have to use an alternate form of leave (i.e. sick leave, vacation leave, leave without pay, etc.). The Yes/No Flag must be selected to indicate that your site provides ability to indicate the waiting period for the claims. In the Numeric Value field, enter the number of hours of leave that must be used to supplement the work hours before the compensation payments take effect in the Numeric Value field.
WORKERS COMP RETROACTIVE PRD - Indicates the retroactive period required before the hours used during the workers' compensation waiting period are eligible for reimbursement. The Yes/No Flag must be selected to indicate that your site provides ability to indicate the retroactive period for the claims. In the Numeric Value field, enter the number of hours the employee is required to be away from work before the leave taken during the waiting period can be reimbursed.
WORKERS COMP RATE - The Yes/No Flag must be selected to indicate that your site provides the ability to indicate the rate that an employee is eligible to receive during the worker's compensation. The Numeric Value field defines the percentage of the employee’s normal pay that an employee can receive. The percentage must be indicated in decimal format (for example, 85% would be indicated as 0.85).
WORKERS COMP MAX BENEFIT PCT - This parameter indicates the maximum percentage of benefit that an employee can receive during the workers’ compensation period. Enter the percentage of the employee’s normal pay that an employee can receive in the Numeric Value field. The percentage must be indicated in decimal format (for example, 90% would be indicated as 0.90).
WORKERS COMP DED TYPE/PLAN - Advantage HRM provides a batch process that allows employers to calculate a percentage of an employee's gross pay, as an employer paid fringe, to be set aside in a workers' compensation reserve account. In order to accommodate this processing, the Workers’ Compensation Reserve % field on the Title page is used to define the percentage of eligible pay that should be paid by the employer for the reserve account each time an employee is paid. If a site uses one global workers' compensation deduction type/plan and wishes to use auto enrollment to process the deduction, the global workers' compensation deduction type/plan can be specified in the WORKERS COMP DED TYPE/PLAN parameter on SPAR. The Yes/No Flag must be selected to indicate that your site provides ability to indicate global level Deduction Type and Plan to be used for the Employer Paid Fringe deduction processing. The Text Value defines the Deduction Type and Plans to be used, Deduction Type being defined first then the Deduction Plan with separated by space (for example, TYPE PLAN). The Workers Comp Reserve Fringe Routine special deduction routine looks up the Workers’ Compensation Reserve % field on the employee's Title and uses that rate as the Deduction Rate for the selected Deduction Type/Deduction Plan.
Leave Policy (LPOL) -The Leave Policy (LPOL) reference page allows overrides to the WORKERS COMP WAITING PERIOD, WORKERS COMP RETROACTIVE PRD, WORKERS COMP RATE and WORKERS COMP MAX BENEFIT PCT Site Specific Parameters at the Leave Policy level. If a particular leave policy uses a different value for these parameters, the override should be defined in the following fields:
Workers Comp Waiting Period
Workers Compensation Rate
Maximum Benefit Percent
Workers Comp Retroactive Period
Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) - The Reimbursement Allowed field on the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) page determines whether the leave event type is allowed to be reimbursed via the Workers' Comp Waiting Period Reimbursement batch process. This check box must be selected for any leave types that are allowed to be reimbursed.
Title - The Workers’ Compensation Reserve % field defines the percentage of gross pay that will be set aside in a reserve account, through an employer paid fringe, to cover future compensation claims. The value indicated in this field is by the Workers Comp Reserve Pay Routine special deduction routing during Gross-to-Net processing to calculate the eligible reserve amount for the employee’s compensation claims.