Modifying a Position
To access the Position Maintenance (PSMT) page to modify a position from the Position Management (POSM) activity folder, perform these steps:
Access the Position Management (POSM) activity folder.
Select the Modify Position Status Maintenance link at the bottom of the page to display the Position Status Maintenance (PSMT) page.
Complete the General Information section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field.
Select the department number associated with the position you are creating from the Department field pick list. The department's name displays in the Department Desc field.
Select the Position Number from the pick list. The description associated with Position Number is displayed in the Short Desc field.
Enter the date the position will be effective in the From field.
Complete the Position Attributes section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field.
Select Permanent or Temporary from the Assignment Type drop-down list.
Select the position's title from the Title pick list.
Select the position's status from the Position Status pick list.
Select the position's pay class from the Pay Class pick list.
Select the position's payroll number from the Payroll Number pick list.
For information on inferring position attributes from the Sub-Title (STTL) page, refer to Inferring Position Attributes from Sub-Title (STTL).
Complete the Override Profile and Pay section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Override Profile and Pay information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Accounting Source section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Accounting Source information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Fund Accounting section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Fund Accounting information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Detail Accounting section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Detail Accounting information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Reporting To Department section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Reporting To Department information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Old Unit section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the Old Unit information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the New Unit section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter the New Unit information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.
Select Submit to record the new position in the system.
Select Close to exit the Position Maintenance (PSMT) page and return to the main page of the Position Management (POSM) activity folder.