Retirement Contribution Management Inquiry
The Retirement Contribution Management Inquiry (RTCM) activity folder allows you to record and view information pertaining to an employee’s specific retirement detail records.
The Retirement Contribution Management Inquiry page contains the following tabs:
This tab allows you to view employee details.
Retirement ContributionRetirement Contribution
This tab allows you to view, create, or modify employees' retirement contribution details; all fields are populated from the deduction details that were created by the payroll process.
The Pension System, Pension Tier, and Retirement System field values are all populated from the deduction detail record that was created by the payroll engine.
The Report Date is populated based on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry PERS END DAY or STRS END DAY.
The Retirement Participant ID field value is populated from the Employee (EMPL) table - created from the Pension Profile (PENS) transaction.
The Retirement Appointment ID field value is populated from the Employee Appointment (EMPL APPT) table created from the Pension Profile (PENS) transaction.
The Member Contribution Rate and Employer Contribution Rate field values are populated based on the deduction details as well as the setting of the Rate Summary field on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) page
The Retirement Pay Code and Assign Code field values are populated from the deduction details that were created by the payroll process.
The Retirement Pay Category field value is populated by the PERS/STRS Extract job from data in the Retirement Pay - Retirement Category (RPRC) page.
The Retirement Pay Rate and Earnings Amount values come from the deduction details, but can have additional calculations performed based on the logic in the Retirement Contribution Extract process.
The Home Department, Home Unit, Title, and Sub-Title are populated from the employee’s primary (blank) appointment on their assignment record.
The Retirement Service Start Date, Retirement Service End Date, and PERS Service Period values are populated from the deduction details that were created by the payroll process.
The Retirement Work Schedule value is derived from the Pay Class (PYCL) of the employee’s primary (blank) appointment on their assignment record.
The Retirement Unit Code value is populated from Sub-Title (STTL) of the employee’s primary (blank) appointment. If no entry is found on STTL, this is set to the employee’s Home Unit if the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry PERSSTRS RETUNIT DFLT TO HUNIT is set to True.
The Reporting Status value is set to ‘P’ for Pending by the Retirement Contribution Extract.
The Employer Code value is populated from the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry PERS EMPLOYER CODE or STRS EMPLOYER CODE.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Retirement Contribution Adjustment -This action creates and opens Retirement Contribution Adjustment (RCADJ) transaction, which allows you to make changes to the retirement contribution records for specified employees.
Modify Retirement Contribution Adjustment - This action creates and opens the Retirement Contribution Adjustment (RCADJ) transaction, which allows you to modify the retirement contribution details for the employee.