Advanced - Batch Processing

The Time and Leave Processing area includes several batch jobs. Refer to the appropriate sections below for a list of all batch and report jobs. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters), refer to the CGI Advantage HRM Run Sheet guides available on the User Guide Downloads page.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Alternate Leave Accrual Processing

The Alternate Leave Accrual Processing job processes alternate monthly leave accrual that accounts for all eligible work performed in a given pay period, and accounts for various leave accrual formulas. The leave accrual calculations are based on custom rules for the employee’s region, vessel, service hours, and seniority. The Alternate Leave Accrual Processing job contains parameters that allow for the entry of specific leave policy codes to be processed and the dates to be used for leave accrual computations. The Alternate Leave Accrual Processing job generates AACC_QUEUE records for the employees who belong to the specified leave policy codes and have time worked within the Start and End Dates populated in the job parameter. This job calculates the hours that need to be accrued for each leave type based on the underlying accrual logic. Multiple Leave Policy codes can be entered in the job parameter by separating each leave policy with a comma (,).  For more detailed information on the Alternate Leave Accrual Process, refer to Alternate Leave Accrual Processing Batch and Alternate Leave Accrual Overview sections.

Alternate Leave Accrual Processing

Clock Timesheet Creation

The Clock Timesheet Creation batch job generates timesheets based on the Time In and Time Out entries recorded in the PAST_PUNCHES table. These records are obtained from actions performed on physical clocks, Soft Clock or from the Past Punches (PPUN) page.

Pay Cycle Processing

COVID-19 Leave Thresholds

The COVID-19 Leave Thresholds batch job is used to apply dollar thresholds to leave pay outs for specified leave pay events.

This batch job enables you to comply with the legislation H.R. 6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Act and is valid through 12/31/2020.

The batch job reads through the Pending Payment table, identifies COVID 19 leave pay (based on parameters), evaluates daily/aggregate pay maximum (based on parameters) and updates the Pending Payment records when leave pay out exceeds the daily/aggregate payouts. The aggregate maximum payout calculation is the sum of contract pay amount for COVID 19 leave pay from the pending payment and pay detail tables.

The job can be run in Report mode in addition to Update mode. On Report mode, a detailed report in HTML and CSV is generated listing the employees Pending Payment records that will be modified based on daily/aggregate maximums.

On-Request Processing

Delete/Reset Retro Leave Triggers (HA02630R)

Deletes or resets retro triggers after running Select Retro Trigger. Running Delete/Reset Retro Triggers resets the current retroactive leave process, and you will have to start the process over again with Select Retro Leave Trigger. This job is used if the retro triggers selected for processing should not have been selected.

Retro Processing

Employee FMLA Balance Report

The Employee FMLA Balance Report batch job is used to inform HR of all users currently taking FMLA leave and their remaining FMLA Balance hours through the creation of the Employee FMLA Balance Report and email notification triggers.  Employees who are currently taking FMLA leave or have an effective LREQ in place are selected to be populated on the report.  During the report generation, if an employee’s balance is less than or equal to the minimum stored on the Minimum FMLA Balance Hours parameter, an email trigger is generated to notify HR of employees at risk of losing FMLA eligibility.

On-Request Processing

Expandable Pay Policy Rate

The Expandable Pay Policy Rate batch job uses entries on the Expanded Pay Policy Rate (PPRX) table to create Pay Policy Rate Type (PPRT) entries. A template for creating PPRT entries is created on PPRX, specifying which fields are to be expanded. The batch job then creates PPRT entries for all applicable values of the specified fields within a Pay Policy. This allows a user to create many new PPRT entries at once, instead of manually entering in each entry. The user can also use the Pay Policy Grade (PPGR) table to define specific combinations of Grade, Step, and Pay Policy that should be created. Grades and Steps can also be associated with specific Departments, Units, and Union Locals. When there is an existing PPRT record matching one created by the batch job, the existing record will be time sliced and a new one created matching the specifications from PPRX. If there is already an identical record with the same dates, the job will issue an error. The job should not be run twice for the same PPRX record, unless the PPRT table is cleared of the records.

On-Request Processing

Generate Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions

Used for creating AACC transactions.  Data is read from the AACC_QUEUE table, an XML transaction file is created, and the XML transaction is loaded into Advantage through a nightly batch process. The Generate AACC Transactions begins by scheduling ”AACCDocGeneration” in a way similar to any other batch process.  On Successful completion of this process, AACC XML file is created.

Pay cycle Processing

Generate Default Timesheets

Used to generate timesheets for employees who do not have a submitted timesheet during the current pay period, and who matches the criteria entered in the Generate Timesheets and Leave Accruals (GTLP) – Default Timesheet requests being run.

Pay Cycle Processing

Generate LDPM

The Generate LDPM batch process provides an automated means for creating Labor Distribution Profile Management (LDPM) transactions for submitted timesheets. When the batch job is run it will complete the following two processes:

  1. First the batch job processes employees based on the batch job parameter entries. Employees selected will be processed by capturing a subset of timesheet information such as LDPR or COA overrides. The information collected on the timesheet is then broken out into relative percentages onto the Labor Cost Distribution History (LABR_COST_DIST_HIST) table.

  2. After the information has been stored on the LCDH table, the batch job will create LDPM transactions that reflect the accounts and the relative percentages of the productive hours that employees entered on their timesheets.

Pay cycle Processing

Generate Timesheet and Leave Accruals

Used to create either Timesheet (TIMEI) or Leave Accrual (LEAV) transactions (in draft phase), for a large group of employees using the criteria defined in the corresponding Generate Timesheets and Leave Accruals (GTLP) request for either Create Timesheets or Create Leave Accruals actions.

On Request Processing

Leave Archiving

Used to archive leave related tables to files to be stored on media.


Leave Bank Balance Update

Used to create Donated Leave transactions. When accumulation leave bank category balances are running low, HRM administrators can submit a job to replenish accumulation leave bank categories. When set-up and submitted, the Leave Bank Balance Update queries the Leave Bank Enrollment table to identify all employees who donate leave to leave bank categories using the Leave Bank codes supplied as parameters to this job. Multiple leave bank category codes and donation amounts separated by commas can be requested. Donated Leave transactions handle any amount that may be prorated by an employee’s FTE if setup on Leave Bank (LBANK).

Using the leave bank categories and run date entered in job parameter, each matching employee and appointment can be identified from the Leave Bank Enrollment table. With that information, Employee assignments and employment status records are determined. Donated Leave transactions are only created for those employees whose Employment Status is designated to Allow Leave Events.

Employees who have met an established tenure and leave balance are exempt from automatic donations and Donated Leave transactions will not be created. Both, Exemption from Automatic Donation Minimum Tenure (value in months) and Exemption from Automatic Donation Minimum Leave Balance are setup in LBANK. If all of the conditions are met, the Donated Leave transaction will be created.

On-Request Processing

Leave Exceptions Substitution Report (HA00200D)

Consists of two programs (HARD080 and HAR3200) that create the Leave Exceptions and Substitutions (HAR3200) Report.  The program HARD080 reads through the TTG_ACTION_DESC table and writes selected TTG_ACTION_DESC table records to a file.  HAR3200 reads the file created from HARD080 and creates the Leave Exceptions and Substitutions Report.

The Leave Exception and Substitutions report lists all leave activity that resulted in exceptions or substitutions.  An exception is a leave event that causes the leave thresholds defined on the Leave Event Category table to be crossed, and which are classified as Accept and report. A substitution is an event that causes the leave thresholds defined on the Leave Event Category table to be crossed, and is classified as Substitute related or Prorate. The leave is then substituted with the type entered in the Substitute Leave Type field on the Leave Policy Type table.

Nightly Processing

Leave Liability Expense Processor

Processes the leave balance information from the leave extract table to create leave liability accrual expense journal records. These records are written to the leave liability accrual expense journal table, and are used to create leave liability accrual expense transactions.

Pay cycle Processing

Leave Restore

Used to restore previously archived leaves to the database.


Leave Summary History Generator (HA01600R)

Purges data from the Leave Summary History Table and then copies the data from the Leave Summary Table to the Leave Summary History Table. This employee history table is optionally used by Leave Extract Creation (HA01450C) to determine current leave activity. Typically, Leave Summary History Generator is run just after the last supplemental payroll run of the pay period.

Pay cycle Processing

Load Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions

Uses the utility program SysManUtil to load AACC transactions to the database that were created by the Generate Automated Accrual AACC Transactions batch process.

Pay cycle Processing

Load Leave Extract

Used if leave balance information should be printed on the employee’s check stub. Load Leave Extract uses the existing database and a table of leave extract history records to update the leave extract table. This table is optionally used for printing leave balance information on check stubs or used in ad-hoc leave reporting.

Pay cycle Processing

Mass Changes for Timesheets

Used to change existing Timesheet (TIMEI) data from one value to another, on a large scale, based on the criteria defined on the Mass Change for Timesheets (MAS7) page.

On Request Processing

Periodic Leave Balance Checking

The Periodic Leave Balance Checking process creates timesheet transaction records to be used in generating balance checking (AACC) transactions, which contain requests for moving balances that exceed the thresholds indicated on the Leave Policy Category (LPCT) table from one category to another.

On-Request Processing

Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain consists of two jobs that support Personnel Action Wizard Leave processing. A preliminary process called the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing – Final Leave Accrual program verifies that an employee’s final leave accrual has been calculated and processed, if applicable, prior to the second program (Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing) executing the payout and reset actions. The second job will not run until the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing – Final Leave Accrual job finishes successfully.

On-Request Processing

Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain: Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual Job

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual job reads the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table and verifies whether the final leave accrual has been processed for terminated employees and updates the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table.

On-Request Processing

Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain: Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Job

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Job reads the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table and processes leave Payout or Reset leave actions according to business rules defined on the PAWLRP page. The job runs by executing the following steps.


On-Request Processing

Populate WDAY Table

Adds records to the WDAY table for entries on WKCY and creates a report log file. It will allow the user to automatically create records on the WDAY table by populating record starting at the ”Date of 1st Work Cycle Start” and repeating the cycle from WKCY until the ”Populate WDAY through” Date. Then, using the Holiday Schedule from WKCY the Batch program will use populate the dates with that Holiday Schedule on WDAY with the schedule type of ”Holiday”.

On-Request Processing

Reset Leave Balance Alerts

The Reset Leave Balance Alerts job updates the Leave Balance Alerts widget on demand rather than waiting for Time-to-Gross (TTG) or when Time or Leave transactions are submitted (for example, Timesheet (TIMEI), Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ), Leave Accrual (LEAV) and so on). It reads through the employee and leave related tables to identify which Leave Category entries have the Include Employee/Manager Role Leave Balance Alert flag checked and correlated Leave Summary balances. The job then deletes all existing records on the Leave Balance Alerts table and inserts new records for employees whose leave balances that are outside of the Minimum and Maximum Thresholds defined on Leave Policy Category (LPCT).

On Request Processing

Time Clock Clean Up

The Time Clock Clean Up job update records on the PAST_PUCNHES table that are identified as offline so that actions are paired accordingly. Offline punches on the clock are stored individually and not paired based on actions (Clock In to Clock Out), this job takes the individual records and pair them together.    

Pay Cycle Processing

Retro Leave Accrual Calculations (HA02620R)

Performs three key functions:

  1. Extracts the data needed to calculate Retro Leave Accruals

  2. Determines the Retro Leave Accruals and creates offsetting Retro Pend Leave entries

  3. Generates a Detail Processing Report

Retro Processing


Retro Leave Accrual Processing

A retroactive leave accrual process can be run on an as-needed basis to pick up all retroactive leave accrual triggers. The Select Retro Trigger batch job assigns a Retro Run Number to retroactive leave accrual triggers based on the selection criteria specified on the Retro Frequency Selection (RSEL) reference page. The Retro Run Number should be added to AACC_QUEUE and RETRO_AACC_QUEUE records and logic.  

Since the retroactive leave accrual trigger does not specify a particular leave event, all automated leave accrual events will be recalculated for the retroactive period by the Retro Leave Accrual Calculation batch job. The system will use the current (as of the run date) employee assignment information, the corresponding LPRT record, and the total eligible hours worked for the employee during the period to calculate the new leave accrual amount. The original leave accrual amounts from the RETRO_AACC_QUEUE table will be compared to the newly calculated leave accrual amounts to determine if leave accrual adjustments are needed.

Once determined, the leave accrual adjustment amount will be written to the new retroactive pending leave table (RETRO_PEND_LEAVE). This table will also follow the format of the AACC_QUEUE table. Upon running the Retro Cleanup batch job, leave adjustment records from the retroactive pending leave table will be moved to the AACC_QUEUE and RETRO_AACC_QUEUE tables. These records can then be used to create AACC transactions. AACC transactions will be loaded and submitted using the baseline leave batch jobs.  The Cleanup batch job will also delete all retro leave triggers that were processed. The Reset batch job will have to be run to reset any retroactive leave triggers scheduled for processing.

The process needs to be able to handle multiple retroactive leave accrual trigger records in the same period in case additional corrections to the ESMT transaction or time adjustment entries are entered. If a retroactive change to an ESMT is submitted and then another retroactive change to the same employee is submitted for the same start/end dates (or covering the same pay period end date), the process should use the most current trigger record to calculate the retroactive leave accrual.

The retroactive leave accrual batch jobs will utilize the triggers to calculate and issue the correct leave adjustment amounts for employees.

In addition, the retroactive leave accrual process will generate a Retro Leave Processing Detail Report. This report will include all employees whose retro leave accrual triggers were processed during the retroactive run. The report will list the leave adjustment amount per retroactive pay period for each employee at the Leave Event level. A cumulative leave adjustment amount at the Leave Category level will also be displayed for each employee to show the net impact on Leave Category from the retroactive leave accrual process.


Retro Run Cleanup

Copies records from the RETRO_PEND_LEAVE table to the RETRO_AACC_QUEUE and AACC_QUEUE tables for a specified batch parameter RETRO_RUN_NO. After copying the records to the RETRO_AACC_QUEUE and CGI Advantage HRM System Administration Guide 3.8 Release CGI Technologies and Solutions, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Page 490 AACC_QUEUE tables, Retro Run Cleanup deletes all the records on the RETRO_PEND_LEAVE and RETRO_TRIGGER tables for the RETRO_RUN_NO.

Retro Processing


Select Retro Leave Trigger (HA02600R)

Scans through the Retro Trigger Selection (RSEL) table selecting entries based on the input parameters to Select Retro Trigger (RTRG) Table entries for processing. Selected triggers are written to a file.

Retro Processing

Submit Automated Accrual (AACC) Transactions

Uses the utility program SysManUtil to submit AACC transactions for processing.

Pay cycle Processing

Timesheet Submission Lock

The Timesheet Submission Lock batch process provides the ability to easily lock or unlock all timesheets including, Timesheet (TIMEI), Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ), and Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transactions from being submitted, approved, and rejected for a duration of time for payroll processing. The batch job locks all timesheets by checking the Lock TIMEI, Lock TIMEI/TADJ, Lock TIMEG, and Lock Employee Timesheets fields for all existing entries on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) and and Timesheet Group Setup (TIMEGS) reference tables. The date and time lock parameters for the Timesheet Submission Lock batch process must follow a set of rules in order to successfully run the job.

On Request Processing