Creating a New Timesheet/Entering the Time an Employee Has Worked

CGI Advantage HRM tracks both exception- and positive-paid employees. Exception-paid employees are not required to enter a timesheet in order to be paid. They are paid for a set number of hours worked for each pay period. Exception-paid employees record only that time which is an exception to the hours they normally work. The exceptions fall into three categories: leave usage, hours worked over the employee’s normal hours, or pay events that require accounting overrides (for example, hours worked within a different organization). Positive paid employees are only paid for the hours of work and leave that are entered into a system timesheet. If a timesheet is not submitted, the employee is not paid. In addition to hours and leave, any applicable accounting overrides to a positive paid employee’s work must also be entered into the timesheet.

In order to pay a positive paid employee, you must enter the hours the employee has worked and the leave the employee has used within a pay period. Your site might use several different methods for recording time data into the CGI Advantage HRM system.

Time and leave transactions are edited by the system when you submit them for processing. If a transaction fails the edit, the transaction is rejected. You must correct the transaction and resubmit it. If the transaction is accepted, CGI Advantage HRM processes the pay and leave information. Accepted pay events generate pending payments that are processed during a regular or supplemental pay-cycle. Leave usages are immediately updated.

The Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder makes it easy for you to administer time and leave-related tasks and information by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place. After opening the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder, use the Employee Search tool and grid to find and select the appropriate employee.  

To open the Timesheet transaction and create a new timesheet, and enter the time that an employee has worked, report daily activity or record Equipment usage information perform these steps:

The Timesheet transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create Timesheet option on the timesheet Landing page (TIMELP) from the Timesheet Carousel. Select the employee pay period for which you want to create a new timesheet.

  • Select the Create Timesheet action on the timesheet Create Timesheet (TIMEC. Select the employee pay period for which you want to create a new timesheet.

  • Select the Create New Timesheet row-level action on the Timesheet Roster tab of the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder. It also features links used to access the Timesheet transaction, the Timesheet Adjustment transaction, and the Timesheet Group Management Roster.

  1. Select the Create button to for the selected pay period to access the Timesheet transaction.  Note: If there is an assignment change within the pay period, then you will be allowed to submit a separate timesheet for each assignment. Upon selecting the Create New Timesheet link the Create New Timesheet – For Assignment pop-up will display multiple rows for timesheet creation within the same pay period. The Timesheet populates the Assignment From and Assignment To dates in the Timesheet transaction header using the employee assignment that is effective as of the Pay Period Start Date.

  2. Select Timesheet Entry from the primary navigation panel. Result: The page is updated to display a virtual timesheet into which the employee’s time can be recorded.

  3. In each line of the timesheet grid, make the appropriate entries in the Event and Choose Accounting fields and the amount of time worked relevant to the specified Event in each date.

  4. If you wish to record and track information regarding the user’s daily work activity, select Daily Activity tab. This tab enables you to enter detailed information on multiple activities the employee has worked in a week/pay period. The ability to enter Daily Activity information is controlled by the Allow Daily Activity flag on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference page for the employee’s organization.  Result: If enabled, the page is updated to display a Daily Activity tab, on which the employee’s daily activity can be recorded.

Entering Daily Activity Information

  1. Select the Add Row icon, and a new row is created on the Daily Activity section.

  2. In each line of the Daily Activity grid, make the appropriate entries in the Daily Activity, Event, Equipment, Commodity, Commodity Quantity, Billed Customer, Work Request Number, Comments and Choose Accounting fields and the amount of time worked relevant to the specified activity. Note: In the Daily Activity field, you should select a Daily Activity Code and the associated Event code. The Event field displays the events that are associated with the Daily Activity code. This is a pick list to the Pay and Leave Event (EVNT) reference page. On the Timesheet Daily Activity tab, the Equipment, Commodity, Commodity Quantity, Billed Customer, Work Request Number, and Comments fields can be required, allowed (optional), or not allowed (cannot be entered) based on the setup of the Daily Activity Options section of the Daily Activity (DACT) reference page. Refer the Daily Activity (DACT) topic for more details on this.

  3. To add a new row you can also select the Copy Row icon to insert the data to the new line copied from an existing row.

  4. Select Save to save the details entered.

  5. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  6. Select the Update Timesheet action to load the daily work activity hours from the Daily Activity tab into the Timesheet Entry tab based on the Event code entered for the activity.

When you select the Update Timesheet action, the hours entered on the Daily Activity tab are summed up by the entered Pay/Leave Event for each day. For each Event entered on the Daily Activity tab, the sum of the Event’s hours for the day are loaded as an Event line on the Timesheet Entry tab.

Note: Neither the value of the Choose Accounting field nor any entered accounting values are carried over to the Timesheet Entry tab from the Daily Activity tab when the Update Timesheet action is selected. If there is a line for the same event on both the Timesheet Entry tab and the Daily Activity tab, but each line has a different accounting option, the accounting for the line within the Timesheet Entry tab is not updated.

  1. If you wish to record details regarding equipment used by an employee to perform a task, select the Equipment Usage tab. This section allows you to collect an employee’s Equipment Usage information by entering the dates, hours or mileage that the equipment was used. This information is saved along with the employee’s timesheet details. The ability to enter Equipment Usage information is controlled by the Allow Equipment Usage flag on the Timesheet Setup reference page for the employee’s organization. Result: If enabled, the page is updated to display an Equipment Usage tab, on which the employee’s equipment usage information can be recorded.

Entering Equipment Usage Information

  1. Select the Copy Row action to create a new row on the Equipment Usage tab.

  2. In each line of the Equipment Usage grid, make the appropriate entries related to equipment used by an employee. Equipment entered must be a valid equipment defined on the Equipment ID (EQID) table. 

  3. To add a new row you can also select the Copy Row icon to insert the data to the new line copied from an existing row.

  4. Select Save to save the details entered.

  5. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  6. You can also submit your timsheet by selecting Submit button.

  1. Use the Other Activity tab to enter expanded timesheet information, such as overrides and unit and dollar based events. Overrides are entered in a similar manner as on the Timesheet Entry tab, with an expandable override section controlled by the View/Hide Override Details button, and the availability of Override Sets. Overrides are displayed on initial view, just as on the Timesheet Entry tab.

  2. If information for all necessary tabs that need to be entered for the pay period have been entered, select Save to save your entries.

  3. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  4. Select Submit to record your entries.