Donated Leave (DL)
The Donated Leave (DL) transaction allows you to manually donate leave in the Leave Bank or directly to an employee who is in need of leave. This is specified by the field Donation / Deposit Action.
Field InformationField Information
Use this transaction to enter leave bank, donor and recipient information to indicate the employee who is receiving leave.
Event Date and Amount are required fields on this transaction. To directly donate leave to an employee’s account, where Bank Type is specified as Direct Donation, the Recipient Employee ID must be updated. The pick list filters by positive and non-positive enrollment, as specified on the Leave Bank (LBANK). If the Positive Enrollment check box is selected, the pick list will only return employees who are enrolled in the leave bank. If it is cleared, it will return all employees. Refer to the below section for detailed information about the fields of this page.
Donation/Deposit Action - select the usage/accrual type of the donated leave. Following are the valid values:
Bank Donation – Donate leave in the bank.
Direct Donation – Directly donate leave from an employee to another.
Bank Update – Update a deficit leave bank.
Bank Transfer – Transfer leave from a leave bank to an employee.
Return – Return the unused donated leave to direct donors.
Leave Bank - this field defines the leave bank to associate the Donation/Deposit Action to. The user needs to select the employee from the Recipient Employee ID field to display the values in Leave Bank.
Event Date - this field represents the date on which the leave is donated.
Amount - the amount of donated leave.
Calculated Amount - the amount of leave donated that is calculated. This field is used if Calculate Accrual/Usage Based Upon Pay Rate or Calculate Bank Donation/Transfers based on Leave Policy Ratio is checked on the Leave Bank (LBANK) page.
When the Calculate Accrual/Usage Based Upon Pay Rate is checked, the following formula is used to determine the Calculated Amount.
If the donation is to the bank:
Calculated Amount = Amount on the Donated Leave (DL) * FTE of the employee who donates leave.
If the donation is direct:
Calculated Amount = Donating employee’s salary / Receiving employee’s salary * Amount on the Donated Leave (DL).
When the Calculate Bank Donation/Transfers based on Leave Policy Ratio is checked the calculated amount is based on the following.
If Bank Transfer or Bank Donation
Calculated Amount = Input amount / ratio on Leave Policy field Leave Donation Calculation.
Donor Employee ID - the identification code associated with the employee who is donating leave.
Donor Appointment ID - the Appointment identification number of the employee who is donating leave.
Donation Event Type - the Event Type for donation of leave on the Donated Leave (DL) transaction. The donated leave is credited to the corresponding leave bank.
Recipient Employee ID - the identification code of the employee who is receiving the donated leave.
Recipient Appointment ID - the Appointment identification number of the employee who is receiving the donated leave.
Accrual Event Type - the Event Type for receipt on the Donated Leave (DL) transaction. The event specified is used in leave bank category to record accrual of leave when leave is transferred to the leave bank category, or to record leave transfer from the donor, or leave bank category into the recipient’s leave balance. Accrual Event is an accrual event on Pay and Leave Events (EVNT). The event is restricted solely to the leave bank events.
The Donated Leave transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create Leave Donation row-level action on the Employee Leave Balance, Employee Leave Activity or Employee Leave Accrual and Usage by Month tab of the Leave Management (LEAVM) activity folder.
Select Create Leave Donation row-level action on the Leave Donation section of the Leave Bank tab on the Timesheet Landing Page (TIMELP).
The Donated Leave transaction allows you to donate leave to a leave bank, deposit leave in the leave bank, transfer leave from the leave bank to an employee, directly donate employee's leave to another employee, and return the unused donated leave to the original donor.