Leave Request (LREQ)

The Leave Request (LREQ) transaction allows you to make any requests of future time off or justification for past time off. These transactions can be passed through workflow to supervisors, who then approve or decline these requests. This page also enables you to download the leave requests in the .ics format that can be uploaded in your calendar application such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on.

The Leave Request (LREQ) page has the following tabs:

Leave RequestLeave Request

Use the Leave Request tab to identify the employee.

Leave Request DetailLeave Request Detail

Use the Leave Request Detail tab to identify the leave request information. Select the View Leave Balance button to view the leave balance information before submitting a Leave Request transaction. The leave balance information will open in a popup.

Note: Attachments and comments may be required for an event line on the transaction, depending on the configuration of the Time Validation (TIMEV) table. 

The Leave Request transaction can be created in the following way:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.

  • Select the Create New Leave Request row-level action on the Leave Request tab of the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder. This action selects the previously recorded leave requests that have been approved, leave requests that have been rejected, or for which approval is pending. It also features a Create New Leave Request link used to access the Leave Request page.

The Leave Request transaction can be saved to a users’ calendar by:

  • Selecting the Add to Calendar action from the row-level menu.

  • This functionality supports .ics file applications (Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on).