Setup Leave Events and Policies

Several reference tables are used to setup leave events and policies. For more information about each reference table, refer to the appropriate section under Time and Leave Reference Pages. To setup leave events and policies:

  1. Complete the Pay and Leave Category (CATG) page to define and identify types of categories for pay, deduction, and leave processing events.

  2. Complete the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) page to define pay and leave events such as regular pay and leave without pay.

  3. Complete the Leave Policy (LPOL) page to identify leave policies, define the end of the leave year for the policy, and indicate if the leave policy allows automatic accrual.

  4. Complete the Leave Action (LACT) page to define codes, which indicate the type of action that should be taken when a leave balance is under the minimum balance amount or over the maximum balance amount during periodic balance condition checking.

  5. Complete the Leave Policy Category (LPCT) page to link leave categories to a leave policy and define parameters for leave usage and accrual within that category.

  6. Complete the Leave Policy Type (LPET) page to identify the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) codes that are valid for an employee’s leave policy and define how leave for an event is calculated.

  7. Complete the Chart Rule (CHRL) page to define codes used to identify leave accrual rates based on the date an employee was hired.

  8. Complete the Leave Progression Rule (LPRL) page to define a code that is used to identify the length of service periods that govern the rate at which an employee accrues leave.

  9. Complete the Grade (GRDE) page to define the codes that can be used to determine employees’ pay or promotion schedule.  This page is usually considered when setting up payroll.

  10. Complete the Step (STEP) page to define increments within a grade. Based on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) set up, step can be used in determining pay and leave accrual rates. This page is usually considered when setting up payroll.

  11. Complete the Leave Policy Rate (LPRT) page to identify rates for automated leave accrual.