Reference Pages

The Time and Leave Management business area includes the following reference tables:

Reference Page Name

Reference Page Code


Alternate Assignment


This page sets up the Alternate Assignment code and is associated to a Union code and Leave Policy code for an effective date range. The Alternate Assignment code is associated to an employee on the Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transaction and is used for alternate leave accrual processing.

Alternate Leave Accrual Chart Rule


This page defines the codes, which group employees into time periods during which they were hired.  This page allows for different Chart codes with overlapping timeslices to be defined.  

Alternate Leave Policy Rate


Allows you to define accrual rates used in the Alternate Accrual Method calculation logic. The accrual amount applies when the minimum hours amount is met/exceeded, up until the minimum hours from the next record for the leave policy and type is met. Accrual amounts are not prorated. The accrual amount is expressed in the basis for the leave type and the minimum hours are always expressed in hours/minutes.

Accounting Overrides


Enables you to set up accounting overrides used on the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction. This page allows you to set up a series of override codes that point to different accounting lines and then assign those override codes to lines on the Timesheet (TIMEI).

Automated Timesheet Selection


The Automated Timesheet (AUTS) page allows you to define Pay and Leave Events for which Event lines and hours can be automatically generated on an employee’s Timesheet transaction.

Chart Rule


Allows you to define the codes used to identify leave accrual rates based on the date an employee was hired. The chart rules determine what pay or leave rate an employee receives based on the date the employee was hired or started work.



Allows you to define new hardware time clocks. The Clock IDs will be used within Clock Group (CLGP), as needed.

Clock Group


Allows you to assign a group of employees to a Clock or Soft Clock and configure Event and Override information on the basis of Home Department and Unit.

COA and LDPR Value by Home Department and Home Unit


The COA and LDPR Value by Home Department and Home Unit (CVDU) page associates valid Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR), Accounting Overrides (AORD), and Chart of Accounts (COA) element types and values with a Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, and Pay Policy combination. The LDPR, AORD, and COA element values identified on the CVDU page are displayed within the LDPR, AORD, and COA element type pick list fields of a timesheet transaction, Timesheet Details section only, if it is associated with the employee’s Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, and Pay Policy.  



The Commodity (COMM) page is an Advantage HRM view of the Commodity (COMM) reference page in Advantage Financial.  This page enables you to view/identify the Commodity that is used while performing a Daily Activity. Since this page is display only, no updates will be permitted.

Daily Activity


The Daily Activity (DACT) page allows users to define the daily activity codes that can be selected by employees on the Daily Activity section of the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction, to track the activity performed each day.  

Employment Status


Allows you to define and identify employment statuses. The system refers to the employee's status to determine whether the employee may receive pay, have deductions taken, accrue and use leave and be counted in the workforce. This page also determines the number of months an employee’s information can stay in the system with this status before the employee’s information is archived. Furthermore, this page also determines if the employee will be included on specific reports (EEO6, IPEDS, etc).

Equipment ID


The Equipment ID (EQID) page is an Advantage HRM view of the Equipment ID (EQID) reference page in Advantage Financial.  This page allows users to view the detailed information for the Equipment ID that is used while performing a Daily Activity. Since this page is display only, no updates will be permitted.

Expandable Pay Policy Rate


Allows you to create a template for the mass-creation of Pay Policy Rate Type (PPRT) entries. Entries created here are referenced by the Expandable Pay Policy Rate batch job to create applicable Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) data.

Extended Department


Allows you to provide information for EEO reporting purposes including the EEO Function and EEO Report Type on which the employees in the agency should be reported. It is also used for retroactive pay/leave and multiple employer functions. It provides information about whether organization level budgeting is required for position control.

Generate Timesheet and Leave Accruals Parameters


The Generate Timesheet and Leave Accruals (GTLP) page allows users to set parameters for creating Default Timesheets, Timesheets with a specific set of criteria, and Leave Accrual transactions with a specific set of criteria. The Generate Timesheets and Leave Accruals batch job reads and processes the requests entered on the GTLP page to generate a new timesheet or leave transaction for a group of employees based on the entered criteria. The Generate Default Timesheet batch job reads and processes the requests entered on the GTLP page to generate a default timesheet for a group of employees matching the entered criteria.



Allows you to define the codes that can be used to determine employees’ pay or promotion schedule. The use of Grade is controlled by SPAR entries and is on an employee’s title (TITL) or overridden on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page.

Holiday Schedule


Allows the user to create a schedule of holidays to be used in the automated creation of records on Work Day (WDAY) by the Populate Work Day batch process. Every record on the HOLI page for a given Holiday Schedule is set as a Holiday on the WDAY table when that Holiday Schedule ID is selected on Work Cycle (WKCY).

Include in Service Hours


The Include in Service Hours (ISER) page is used to associate an event to a Service Hours Type.  This page allows for multiple events to be associated to a Service Hours Type.

Leave Action


Allows you to define the codes that identify the action to take for a particular leave category when performing balance checking.

Leave Bank


Allows you to define codes for leave bank categories that identify Leave Banks. Leave bank categories can be used by employees to donate leave in the leave bank or withdraw leave during exigency.

Leave Frequency


Allows you to define the codes that identify how often leave balances are accrued (for example, weekly, biweekly, monthly).

Leave Policy


Allows you to define the codes that identify all leave policies used by an organization to govern all employee leave processing.

Leave Policy Category


This page allows you to link leave categories to a leave policy and defines parameters for leave usage and accrual within that category. This page also lists leave categories for a given leave policy, based on the Home Department, Home Unit, and Union Local. A leave category defines a type of leave balance. For each category in this page, thresholds for a leave balance are defined for daily, monthly, and annual leave processing and leave actions are specified for each out of bounds condition. The page also indicates the frequency of balance checking for a given category.

Leave Policy Event Type


Allows you to define all valid leave types for a given leave policy, based on the Home Department, Home Unit, and Union Local. For each leave type entered, leave event parameters such as minimum and maximum amount limits are specified, and validations such as Holiday Pay triggers can be enabled by the Trigger Holiday Pay Validation check box.

Leave Policy Rate


Allows you to define the guaranteed minimum leave accrual, the minimum number of hours required for accrual, the standard number of hours required and the standard accrual rate for each leave type. The guaranteed minimum accrual and the standard accrual rate are expressed in the basis for the leave type and the minimum and standard required hours are always expressed in hours. Prorated accruals are based on the ratio of included hours to standard hours multiplied by standard accrual rate.

Leave Progression Rule


Allows you to track the various, progressively increasing, leave accrual rates of employees. Since employees typically earn leave based on length of service, this page provides a mechanism for retrieving leave accrual rates, based on length of service, from the Leave Rate (LPRT) page.

Mass Change Requests for Department Specific Data


This page is used when the change would ordinarily be accomplished on an employee-by-employee basis through the use of the Department Specific Data (DEPTD) page. The Mass Change Requests for Department Specific Data (MAS2) page can be used to change pay location and work location.

Mass Change Requests for Timesheets


Allows you to set parameters that will be used to modify existing TIMEI transactions for a group of employees. An entry on the page can be created to define selection criteria and enter revised attributes for the employee timesheets that need to be changed.  

Past Punches


Allows you to view and edit employee punch information performed through Soft Clock or Past Punches. New entries can also be added through this page.

Pay and Leave Category


Allows you to define and identify types of categories for pay, deduction, compensation, and leave processing events. The category is also used for pay and deduction reporting purposes (e.g., W-2 and 941 reporting) and check printing.

Pay and Leave Events


Allows you to define and identify pay and leave events such as regular pay and leave without pay. The event codes are primarily used on time and leave transactions.

Pay Period


Allows you to define time and pay parameters for each pay period. After the initial entries for each pay period are established, this page is automatically updated for each payroll number in each pay period.

Pay Policy


Allows you to define the codes that describe valid pay policies applicable each pay period. The system refers to these policies when processing employee transactions. The number of policies you set up reflects the amount of control you want over pay processing. For example, you can set up an exception and positive pay policy, or you can set up more specified policies such as exception-administrative, exception-technical, or positive-administrative and positive-technical.

Pay Policy Event Type


Allows you to define whether or not a pay event is valid for a specified pay policy and defines how pay for the event is calculated for that policy.

Pay Policy Grade


Allows users to associate Grade and Step codes with a particular Pay Policy. This is used, in conjunction with the Expandable Pay Rate (PPRX) page, to create new Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) entries by utilizing the Expandable Pay Policy Rate batch job.

Pay Policy Rate


Allows you to define an organization's pay plans and allows an employee's pay to be table-driven. Depending on the options selected on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page, pay rates can be established on Pay Rate (PPRT) for any combination of grade, step, pay chart or pay progression.

Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Processing


Allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances. The page allows you to define whether a leave balance should be paid out or reset to zero based on a personnel action or personnel action/reason combination for a valid Leave Policy and Leave Category combination.

Reason Code


Allows you to define reason codes. These codes can be used on Timesheets (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ), based on setup, to give clarity as to why a certain event was entered.Allows you to define reason codes. These codes can be used on Timesheets (TIMEI) and Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ), based on setup, to give clarity as to why a certain event was entered.

Schedule Pattern


Used by the Populate Work Day batch process to populate the start and end times for each shift on the Work Day (WDAY) page.

Service Credits Calculation


The Service Credits Calculation (SCCALC) reference page supports business rules needed to calculate service credits based on the service hours.

Service Hours Type


The Service Hours Type (SERV) page is used to provide the capability to track service hours by several different definitions for various functions. This page allows you to define different Service Hours Types. This page also allows you to specify if a particular Service Hours Type results in the calculation of service credits.



Allows you to define the increments within a grade. Based on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) set up, step can be used in determining pay and leave accrual rates.



Allows you to identify the set of pay, leave, and deduction policies, the FLSA profile, the Client Compensation profile, and pension system parameters that govern employees in a particular title. You can have multiple sub-titles per title.

Timesheet Adjustment Management


This page allows you to define controls and settings for the Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) at a detailed level, including Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, and Event Type.

Timesheet Automated Event 


This page provides the ability to define criteria for a line to auto-generate on Timesheet (TIMEI) and Group Timesheet (TIMEG). This can be done by Criteria Type, Daily Threshold, Pay Period Threshold, or FLSA Cycle Threshold.

Time Change


This page is used to track the days that are affected by the Daylight Savings Time. This page is used by the Work Day (WDAY) Table and the Work Schedule wizard to populate the Daylight Savings Change field on the Work Day table.

Time Related Transactions


The Time Related Transactions (TIMCATRD) page displays all transactions that can be modified or created from the section that was active prior to selecting the Related Transactions section.

Time Validation


The Time Validation (TIMEV) page allows you to set attachment, comments and leave or overtime approval requirements for specific transactions in Advantage.

Time Worklist


Lists the work assigned to you. You receive your assigned work based on previously set approval rules. Approval processing routes the time-related transactions to the specified users and roles. The routings then appear in your Worklist.

Timesheet Edit Types


The Timesheet Edit Types (TEDT) page allows you to define timesheet edits and restrictions that control what a user can and cannot input on a timesheet using the following attributes: Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Leave Policy, Pay Policy, FLSA Exempt ID, Employment Status, and Time Classification. Each of these attributes can be wild-carded, allowing one rule to apply to different organizations. The rules can be configured so that more than one rule can be applicable to a timesheet at the same time.

Timesheet Event and Date Edit List


The Timesheet Event and Date Edit List (TSEDEL) page is used to store and maintain the Event Type and Date Lists for use by the Timesheet Edit Types (TEDT) table.  This page also include lists of eligible Pay and Leave Types that are required for calculating hours and validating the timesheet based on the edits set on the TEDT page.

Timesheet Event Selection


Used to indicate pay and leave event type codes to be printed on a timesheet for an employee. Using this page, you define the list of valid events for a given pay or leave policy and pay location. The event type codes that are printed on an employee's based on this defined list. The system allows a wildcard (*) value for pay location that indicates the listed event codes are valid for any pay location.

Timesheet Group Reference


Allows you define a group of employees to a timesheet group for use on the Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction. User access to defined Timesheet Group references is restricted to only those users who created the Timesheet Group reference, or to users who have been designated as a proxy.

Timesheet Group Setup


This page allows the configuration of Group timesheet options for groups of employees. Group Timesheet Setup allow administrators to configure the options on the basis of the employee’s Department and Unit.

Timesheet Management


This page allows you to define controls and settings for the Timesheet (TIMEI) at a detailed level, including Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, Event Type and Union Local. It also controls how clock time is displayed and whether or not it is required.

Timesheet Proxy


This page allows you to nominate a timesheet proxy for an employee. (Proxies are the employees whom you select/nominate to act on the other employee behalf in his/her absence.)

Timesheet Setup


This page allows the configuration of timesheet options. Options on Timesheet Setup allow administrators to configure clock time (time-in/out) requirements. The options are configured for employees on the basis of the employee’s Department, Unit, Union Local and Pay Policy as designated in the General Information section of the page.



The Title (TITL) page allows you to define and identify the title of the employee’s job. It specifies job information including FLSA exemption, Client Compensation exemption, EEO category, occupational group, title group, grade, union membership, and standard pay range.

Work Day


Allows you to define normal work days, off days, holidays and contract work days for each work cycle.

Work Cycle


Allows you to define the scheduled shifts, hours, and days that constitute the entered work cycle.

Work Schedule Overrides


The Work Schedule Overrides (WSOVD) reference page is used to define Accounting Overrides for Pay Event Types and associate them with a Work Cycle entry.

Work Schedule Task


The Work Schedule Task (WTSK) reference page allows users to define a specific task for a shift/work day on a work schedule in order to provide a way to identify the scheduled job function for that shift/day.

Work Schedule Wizard


The Work Schedule Wizard (WSHCW) allows you to view and modify work schedule information. It also allows you to make individual employee or position exceptions/overrides to current work schedule assignments, create a new work schedule, or assign employees or positions to a schedule. You can make multiple changes, which will be saved to temporary tables, and then submit all changes to work schedules when the user selects the Finish button for the wizard session.