Work Schedule Wizard (WSCHW)
The Work Schedule Wizard (WSHCW) allows you to view and modify work schedule information. It also allows you to make individual employee or position exceptions/overrides to current work schedule assignments, create a new work schedule, or assign employees or positions to a schedule. You can make multiple changes, which will be saved to temporary tables, and then submit all changes to work schedules when the user selects the Finish button for the wizard session. When you enter to the Work Schedule Wizard (WSCHW), you will be presented with a splash page where you can enter the selection criteria for a new wizard session and the update method for the session, then select the Enter Wizard button to start a new session, or select the links to resume or delete a previous session.
The Work Schedule Wizard allows you to step through various pages to create or modify work schedule information:
Verify/Create Work Schedules – The Verify/Create Work Schedules page is the first main page of the wizard. This page allows you to view existing work schedule information as well as to create a new work schedule, modify a new work schedule, or to populate the Work Day (WDAY) table for a selected Work Cycle.
View/Modify Position Work Schedules - This page displays the positions that are valid for the Selection Criteria from the splash page, including the work schedule details associated with each day of the assignment. Work Schedule Information will only be displayed for positions that have been assigned to a work schedule. From this page you can Assign Positions to a Work Schedule or Remove Positions from a Work Schedule.
View/Modify Employee Work Schedules - This page displays the employees that are valid for the Selection Criteria from the splash page, including the work schedule details associated with each day of the assignment. Work Schedule information is retrieved in the following order:
Employee Work Schedule (ESCHD) – If the employee has an Employee Work Schedule override for a schedule date, the Employee Work Schedule information is retrieved.
Position Work Schedule (PSCHD) – If there are no Employee Work Schedule overrides for a schedule date, but the employee is assigned to a position and the position has a Position Work Schedule (PSCHD) assignment; the work schedule information is retrieved.
If there are no Employee or Position Work Schedule overrides, the employee’s assignment record is retrieved. If the employee is assigned to a Work Cycle, the Work Day (WDAY) information is retrieved for that Work Cycle.
If the employee does not have a Work Cycle assigned, and if the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry for GET WORK CYCLE FROM PYCL is true, the Work Cycle assigned to the employee’s Pay Class is used to retrieve the schedule information from the Work Day (WDAY) table.
If there is no Work Cycle information found at any of the above levels, the Schedule Type defaults to Work Day.
View Work Schedule Statistics/Conflicts - This page provides a report that indicates if there are issues with the schedule, such as when an employee’s maximum hours have been exceeded, or an employee with multiple appointments has overlapping scheduled hours, etc. This page also provides an estimated cost (based on the employee’s default pay rate multiplied by the scheduled hours). Overtime, cost of benefits, premium shift rates, etc., are not included in this estimate. The Verify Work Schedule Statistics/Conflicts page contains four search links:
Work Schedule Report - This link allows you to see statistics/conflicts for employees assigned to a specific Work Schedule.
Position Report - This link allows you to see statistics/conflicts for employees in a specific Position Number.
Employee ID Report - This link allows you to see statistics/conflicts for a specific employee or all employees in a selected Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, and Work Location.
Work Schedule Task Report - This link allows you to see statistics/conflicts for employees who are assigned to a selected Work