Time Worked Setup

Several reference tables are used to setup time worked. For more information about each reference table, refer to the appropriate section under Time and Leave Reference Pages. To setup time worked:

  1. Complete the Pay and Leave Category (CATG) page to define and identify types of categories for pay, deduction, and leave processing events.

  2. Complete the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) page to define pay and leave events such as regular pay and leave without pay.

  3. Complete the Pay Policy (PPOL) page to define the codes that describe valid pay policies applicable each pay period.

  4. Complete the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page to define whether or not a pay event is valid for a specified pay policy and defines how pay for the event is calculated for that policy.

  5. Complete the Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) page to define an organization's pay plans and allows an employee's pay to be table-driven.