The Vendor tab contains information specific to the vendor, such as Discount Terms, Disbursement Options, and address information. Refer to the "Vendor" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide for common information on the Vendor tab.
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
The following fields are required, and if left blank are automatically populated by Advantage:
Address Line 1
The following fields are required when the Address Override indication is true, otherwise the fields are prohibited. The set of override fields are delivered as hidden but can be made visible and used to contribute a different address than what was entered/inferred for the vendor. If the fields are used and should be blank if the override is not true, then a Configurable Validation is needed for the MD Vendor with the following Validation: (REMIT_ADV_FL == null or !REMIT_ADV_FL) and (!empty(REMIT_ADV_LN1) or !empty(REMIT_ADV_LN2) or !empty(REMIT_ADV_CITY) or !empty(REMIT_ADV_ZIP) or !empty(REMIT_ADV_ST) or !empty(REMIT_ADV_CTRY)) and a Validation Field of REMIT_ADV_FL.
Address Override
Override Addr 1
Override Addr 2
Override City
Override Zip
Override State
Override Country
The following fields are conditionally required based on site specific setup on the Transaction Control table:
Vendor Customer
Legal Name
Address Code
Received Service From Date
Received Service To Date
The following fields are required, and if left blank are automatically populated by Advantage:
Disbursement Type
Disbursement Format
Scheduled Payment Date
Disbursement Priority
EFT Status
The Generate EFT for Miscellaneous Vendor field must be checked if EFTs need generated for a vendor that has the Miscellaneous flag checked on the Vendor/Customer table. If the Generate EFT for Miscellaneous Vendor flag is checked, then the following fields must be populated:
ABA Number
Account Type
Account Number
If applicable, Prenote/EFT information is inferred from the Vendor Address tab of the Vendor/Customer table if the Prenote/EFT fields of the Address Code are populated; otherwise, the values are inferred from the Vendor/Customer tab of the Vendor/Customer table.
If the Scheduled Payment Date field is blank on Validate or Submit, then the Method for Discount Calculation parameter on the Application Parameters table is used in determining the logic to calculate the Scheduled Payment Date. Refer to the “Application Parameters” topic for more information.
Upon the transaction being saved, the Invoice Acceptance/Sign-Off Date field is inferred from the referenced Invoice (IN) transaction. This inference only occurs if the Invoice Acceptance/Sign-Off Date field is populated on the referenced IN transaction. If you have entered a value in the Invoice Acceptance/Sign-Off Date field, this inference overwrites the value you have entered. If this occurs, an informational message is issued alerting you about the inference and overwritten value.
Optional FeaturesOptional Features
Field Name |
Required? |
Field Description |
Source System Name |
Optional |
An optional field that can be used for tracking the external system from which payment and disbursement information has been imported or interfaced. For this CVL to be used, records need to be added to the CVL_LEG_SRC_SYS_NM table. If capturing this data, similar updates to make the two fields visible need to be done for the various transaction codes in the Automatic Disbursement, Manual Disbursement, and Disbursement Reclassification transaction types as well as on the Disbursement Query, Disbursement Request, and Disbursement Request by Transaction pages. |
Source System Reference Number |
Optional |
An optional field available for recording a reference number or ID from an external system, used to track the origin of payment and disbursement information that has been imported or interfaced. A Configurable Validation is required to make this field required when a Source System Name is supplied. |
Tax AdjustmentsTax Adjustments
When sales or use tax is recorded for a purchase, the amount calculated by the vendor may be a couple of cents different from what is calculated in Advantage. An optional Tax Adjustment feature exists to ensure that the vendor is paid the amount of tax expected. Two vendor fields exist for this feature:
Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount allows a user to enter the invoiced tax amount from the vendor’s invoice. The transaction will compare the entered amount with the Calculated Tax Before Adjustment amount.
Calculated Tax Before Adjustment amount displays the total tax calculated by the system. If there is a difference between the entered and calculated amounts, the system will apply the tax difference to the first commodity line with tax. Additional details and other fields related to the tax adjustment feature are on the commodity line.
The Vendor tab contains the following actions/links:
Row-Level actions/linksRow-Level actions/links
Adjust Tax Amount on Commodity Lines - If Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount is entered, this action will apply the tax difference between it and the Calculated Tax Before Adjustment amount to the first commodity line with tax. The action will update the Tax Adjustment indication, update the Tax Adjustment Amount, and add the Tax Adjustment Amount to the Total Tax Amount/Use Tax Amount and Item Amount accordingly for the commodity line. If Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount is not entered and this action is selected, an error will be issued.