Procurement Card Reconciliation Status
The Procurement Card Reconciliation Status (PRCURST) page contains all valid statuses for Procurement Card use (that is, Reconciled, Not Reconciled, No Receipt, Sales Tax, and Dispute). The values on this page are available in the Reconciliation Status field of the Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity (PRCUU) and Paid Procurement Card Transaction (PRCUT) pages. You can choose to add more status records as necessary. The Hold Payment flag indicates if the status is used, payments will be held (not created).
The Dispute flag allows you to define a Reconciliation Status as a Dispute status. If the Dispute flag is checked for a Reconciliation Status, then the Dispute Reason Code field must be populated on the Paid Procurement Card Transaction and Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity pages and on the PRCC transaction. If the Dispute flag is not checked for a Reconciliation Status, then the Dispute Reason Code field cannot be populated on the PRCUU or Paid Procurement Card Transaction pages, or the PRCC transaction.