Accounts Receivable Correspondence History

The Accounts Receivable Correspondence History page allows you to view all correspondence information for a customer. This page is updated by the Generate Invoice process, Generate Statement process, Past Due Invoice process, Past Due Statement process, Generate Payment Plan process, and the Accounts Receivable Correspondence Update page. In addition, a record may manually be added to track customer level correspondence that is not generated by the system.

You have the ability to track correspondence that is related to the Customer Account as whole, not just a specific billing record on this page.  Insert a record and select a valid Customer record. Once the new record is saved you can add correspondence records for this Customer Account. Records that are manually entered have a value of Customer Account in the Source field. Only records with a Source of Customer Account can be deleted on the Accounts Receivable Correspondence History page. If a manually entered record is deleted, all associated correspondence records are also deleted.

The Accounts Receivable Correspondence History page contains the following actions/links:

Row-level actions/links