Special Chart of Accounts Features
After chart of account codes are established, some number of additional reference pages will be completed. These additional pages come in three types (Combination Validations, Required Elements, and Inference) that are discussed in the following sub sections.
The Inference and Combination Validation Setup (INFVALD) configuration page is available for sites to turn on and off these special chart of account feature pages. By default, all pages are read by the application during transaction processing. Although most will not have any records, this configuration page can be used to 'turn off' a page so that the application will not attempt to read it if the active indication is false.
Accounting Template Mass Change (ACTPLMC)Accounting Template Mass Change (ACTPLMC)
The Accounting Template Mass Change (ACTPLMC) page is available as an intermediary page for making changes to the Accounting Template records for future use, while leaving existing templates unchanged. Data is loaded for review by the Accounting Template Mass Change process. The COA of a template appear as read-only in a “current” column and editable in a “next year” column. Although the fields read ‘next year’, this process can be used for a mid-year change for a re-organization or a change to match the Federal funding data on October 1st.
Once the necessary updates are made, the Accounting Template Mass Update process moves the records to the Accounting Template (ACTPL) page. The ACTPLMC page provides a Reviewed field to facilitate tracking progress through the data as every accounting template is not likely to need an update and the update process may include multiple users over many days. Setting the Reviewed field to yes will trigger a validation of the next year data with the year loaded to the Validation Year field. The same is true with any change to a next year field.
Once the updated templates are loaded on the Accounting Template page, it is recommended to purge the data from this page using System Maintenance Utility (SMU) since re-selection of a template that is already present on the ACTPLMC page may cause the Accounting Template Mass Change Load process to fail. However, data may be retained in the ACTPLMC page for a time for auditing purposes.