Funding Profile

This level of structure captures the billing characteristics (or non-billable characteristics) of a Major Program. If the Split Type setting for a Major Program is either Front-end Split (FES) or Back-end Split (BES), then a Funding Profile must be defined for that Major Program. Refer to the "Splitting" topic for a further description of the different split types and how this functionality impacts Cost Accounting.

There are several ways to define the reimbursement status of the Funding Profile. For example, there can be a situation when costs are eligible but are not being reimbursed because funding agreement details have not yet been established in the system. In another similar situation, the costs can again be identified as eligible in the funding agreement but the reimbursement must be suspended temporarily until a formal audit is conducted. In both these situations, the Funding Profile could be temporarily suspended from reimbursement. Please note there are a variety of places to suspend a program from reimbursement at the Major Program, Program, Phase, Program Phase, Funding Profile, Funding Priority and Funding Line.

Other options are to classify costs as not being eligible for reimbursement permanently. For example, an Activity or Object can be identified as ineligible. In this situation, the Funding Profile would have an ineligible status. The pages for this type of setup are covered in the topics under "Post COA Setup". Finally, spending transactions can be stopped by inactivating the Funding Profile.

Field InformationField Information

Beyond the common chart-of-account fields present (see the Chart of Accounts User Guide) and those fields already discussed under Major Program and Program Period, there a few fields unique to Funding Profile.

Field Name


CMIA Interest

An indication that when true indicates expenditures and charges to the funding profile are eligible for interest charges under the Cash Management Improvement Act.

Overflow Exclusion

An indication that when false indicates all posting lines with the funding profile are eligible for Automatic Overflow as part of the Reclassification Process.

Reimbursement Eligible

An indication that when true indicates the funding profile is eligible for selection and processing for reimbursement.


An indication that when true indicates a funding profile is eligible for 100% safety funding, wherein normal Federal Funds will be used to fund Safety work (as opposed to specific Safety funds).