Disbursement Request Modification
When a payment request transaction such as the PRC or GAX is processed to final, the transaction information along with the disbursement options from the payment requests are updated to the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table. Once the payment request is submitted to Final, the disbursement options should not be modified on the transaction. If you modify any of the disbursement options, an overridable error is issued on the transaction. Also, you can directly update the Disbursement Request table with changes to disbursement options such as Single Payment Indicator, Scheduled Payment Date, Disbursement Format, Disbursement Priority, and so forth. These changes are not carried back to the payment request transactions.
Another method to update the disbursement options is processing the Disbursement Request Modification (DRM) transaction. This allows your site the ability to control updates through an approval process, while still allowing many users to make changes. The Disbursement Request Modification (DRM) transaction allows you to request changes to the Disbursement Request data, which may then be routed through the workflow process. The DRM transaction will update the corresponding DISRQ record when the transaction is processed to final. Even with the DRM transaction, none of the changes will be carried to the related PR/ABS transaction. Please refer to the "DRM Transaction Type" topic in the Accounts Payable User Guide for more information on this transaction.
When a check is cancelled and the payment request is reestablished on the Disbursement Request table, the transaction information is taken from the last version of the Payment Request. An application parameter called Create DISRQ records from Disbursement Transactions determines if the disbursement options should be inserted into Disbursement Request from the payment request or from the Disbursement transaction being cancelled. More information about this can be found in the "Understand Disbursement Cancellation" topic in this guide.