Manually Reconciling a Check

For manually reconciling a check, perform the following steps:

  1. Change the Status of the Check on the Check Reconciliation table.

  1. Navigate to the Check Reconciliation page.

  2. Search for the check number that needs to be reconciled manually.

  3. Select Check Status Update from the row-level menu. The Check Status Update page opens.

  4. Change the status to Paid if it has been paid, and enter the Cleared Date of the check.
    If the check has been cancelled, change the status to Cancelled and enter the Cancellation Reason.

  5. Click Save & Close to save the updated status and return to the Check Reconciliation page.

  1. Run the Check Reconciliation Process with the first two jobs (Flat to XML and CHREC Load) disabled (that is, select Yes in the Disable Job column for both of these jobs.).

On successful completion of the Check Reconciliation chain job, all checks where the status changed to Paid are moved to the Paid Checks table.