PHM Transaction Type

The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction type is used to request or remove holds at the Hold Levels of Automated Vendor, Automated Award, Automated Payment Request, User Hold, and Disbursement Management Hold.  

The PHM is a non-accounting transaction with a Header and Line components. Finalized versions of the PHM transaction cannot be modified or cancelled.  In order to modify or delete existing records on the Payment Hold Maintenance table, a new PHM transaction must be created with the appropriate Payment Hold Action.

The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction updates the following tables:

Additional Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction functionality includes:

  1. The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) table updates by either inserting a new record (when the Payment Hold Action is set to Request Hold or Bypass Holds) or updating an existing record (when the Payment Hold Action is set to Remove Hold, Remove Bypass, or Modify).

  2. The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHLDM) table has a link, Modify Existing Record, to bring over the current record values to the PHM transaction. Authorized users can update fields and submit the PHM transaction. Entering a PHM transaction directly into the transaction catalog with Payment Hold Action of Modify requires you to manually populate the fields, which will update PHLDM table with field values different than on the current record based on the user entered values.  If a value is left blank on the PHM transaction then that field will be set to blank on PHLDM table.

  3. An existing hold record on the PHLDM table can be physically deleted with the Payment Hold Actions of Remove Hold or Remove Bypass only if the hold request referenced on the PHM with Payment Hold Actions of Request Hold or Bypass Holds has not been applied by the Automated Payment Hold process (the Hold Start Date is null on the Payment Hold Maintenance table).

  4. The Payment Hold Maintenance (PHM) transaction cannot remove holds applied to vendors on the Payment Hold Maintenance table if the Automated Payment Hold Source flag is set to Load Payment Hold by TIN batch process. Payment holds created from interface files from external agencies loaded to the Payment Hold by TIN table can only be removed by the Select Payment Hold by TIN batch process. This occurs when the Date Debt Removed field of respective records is populated on the Payment Hold by TIN table from the interface file.

  5. If Print Payment Hold Notices is set to Yes on the Payment Hold Type by Department table for the Hold Type, a Hold Notice for held payments can be created by the Print Payment Hold Notice batch process with specific text that is indicated by the Payment Hold Notice Code on the PHM transaction line.

  6. The PHM transaction validates against the Disbursement Hold Exclusion (DISBMR) table when requesting a Payment Hold at any level. An override error message will be issued if an exclusion condition is met.

Examples of the logic used on the DISBMR table include:

  1. Payments will not be held at the Hold Level of Automated Vendor for vendor codes flagged as “Miscellaneous” or “Internal” on the Vendor Customer (VCUST) table.