Exchange Details

The Exchange Details (vendor line) tab on the IET transaction contains common Vendor fields as described in the "Vendor" topic in the Transactions User Guide. The Exchange Details tab also contains common Accounting fields as described in the "Accounting" topic in the Transactions User Guide. The following fields are not common to Vendor or Accounting tabs.

Of special note are the referenced transaction fields that exist on the Exchange Details tab. When information is entered or inferred, it will be pushed down to all accounting lines if the Reference Type is not Memo. The reason behind this behavior is that the posting lines generated from one Accounting Line can only liquidate one referenced accounting line.  Two different references on a Vendor/Accounting line combination are only allowed if the Vendor line performs a Memo reference.

Use of a front-end split major program on the Exchange Details is a restricted action that should be controlled. It does require the entry of the Funding Profile, Priority, and Line on the line with the major program and the use of an event type that uses cash.

Field Information