Advantage Assistant

The Advantage Assistant feature in Advantage enables access to real-time guidance for the Advantage applications. This feature provides a tailored on-screen, step-by-step guidance for the individual pages, business processes, and embedded instructional videos to provide on-demand training for key features and business processes. This feature can be accessed by selecting the Advantage Assistant icon from the lower right side of the Advantage application page. By clicking this icon, the user can obtain guided help or instructional videos mapped to that particular page. Each guided help is provided in the form of a visual help that provides end-to-end steps to complete the specified scenarios.

Note: This feature is disabled by default. Refer to the “ERP Application Parameters” topic in the CGI Advantage - System Administration Guide for additional details.

Refer to “Manage Videos” under the Advantage Assistant topic in the CGI Advantage - System Administration Guide for adding or modifying videos that are displayed in Advantage Assistant.