Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD)
The Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD) page displays data that is downloaded from the Grants.gov website. The Update Grant Opportunity job uses the data that is stored in the XML extract files located at https://prod-grants-gov-chatbot.s3.amazonaws.com/extracts to create records in the Available Opportunity Detail table. The process runs daily so that it will update the same grant opportunities that can be found on the Grants.gov website. Refer to the CGI Advantage Grant Lifecycle Management Run Sheets guide for more information on the Update Grant Opportunity job.
Numerous fields are provided on the search window, which allow you to narrow the results on this page. The four key search fields are: Include Forecasted Opportunities, Include Open Opportunities, Include Closed Opportunities, and Include Archived Opportunities. Please refer to the “Searching for Opportunities on GTAOD and GTOAS” topic for more information.
The Create Grant Opportunity Transaction link creates a grant opportunity transaction for the record selected on this page. Refer to the “Creating Opportunity Transactions from GTAOD and GTAOS” topic for more information.