Creating Opportunity Transactions from GTAOD and GTAOS

On the Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD) and Available Opportunity Summary (GTAOS) pages, the Create Grant Opportunity Transaction link creates a Grant Opportunity (GTOP) transaction for the record selected on the page. Multiple records can be selected on the GTAOS table, and a GTOP transaction is created for each record selected. The following rules must be met in order for the GTOP transaction(s) to be created:

After the Grant Opportunity transaction(s) are successfully created, the fields in the Grant Opportunity Transaction Information tab on GTAOD are updated with details of the transaction. The Transaction ID and Transaction Phase are updated in the grid on GTAOD, and a link is provided to the transaction.

If the OPPORTUNITY_DOC_SUBMIT parameter is set to True on the APPCTRL table, Advantage will attempt to validate and submit the transaction to Final. The Transaction Phase is updated on the GTAOD page based on whether the transaction was submitted to Final or the transaction was rejected due to errors. If the referenced Grant Opportunity transaction is discarded, then the reference to the transaction is removed from the GTAOD page.

Refer to the “Grant Opportunity (GTOP)” topic for more information on Grant Opportunity transactions.