Available Opportunity Summary (GTAOS)
The Available Opportunity Summary (GTAOS) page provides a summarized version of the data available on the Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD) page. You can transition to the GTAOD page by selecting a record on GTAOS and then clicking the Available Opportunity Detail Table link. You can return to the GTAOS page by selecting the Back link on the GTAOD page.
Numerous fields are provided on this page, which allow you to narrow your results. The four key search fields are: Include Forecasted Opportunities, Include Open Opportunities, Include Closed Opportunities, and Include Archived Opportunities. Please refer to the “Searching for Opportunities on GTAOD and GTOAS” topic for more information. The search is performed on the GTAOD page and the results are displayed in the grid tab of GTAOS.
The Create Grant Opportunity Transaction link creates Grant Opportunity (GTOP) transaction(s) for the record(s) selected on this table. Refer to the “Creating Opportunity Transactions from GTAOD and GTAOS” topic for more information.