Transaction Information

This topic includes detailed information regarding the transaction types in the Intercept area.

There are transactions in General Accounting and Check Writer that can be and are a part of the Intercept process. Each is listed below with a summary of how it is used.

  • The Check Writer Accounting (CWA) Transaction Code can be used to post entries to journals for payments that have been intercepted.  Refer to the "CH Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage Check Writer User Guide for more information.

  • The Check Writer Intercept Transfer (CWI) transaction is used to post accounting lines to the respective Advantage journals for Check Writer payments that have been intercepted.  Refer to the "IET Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage Check Writer User Guide for more information.

  • The Intercept Transfer (IT) Transaction Code transfers intercepted cash from the disbursing party to the party of the receivable.  Refer to the "IET Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage General Accounting User Guide for more information.