ICT Transaction Type

The Internal Costing Usage Transaction (ICT) records the units of work performed for costing. Units of work can be of any type, but are generally described in terms of the Usage Groups: Labor, Mileage, Equipment Use (with or without an Equipment ID), Materials Testing, Interfaced Labor, Retroactive, Adjustment, Interfaced Mileage/Other, and Interfaced Equipment/Material. The data that is captured by this transaction type is stored on the Internal Costing Journal inquiry page. The records from this inquiry page are used as the input to the Internal Costing Process.

This transaction type has two levels of structures:

Transaction Header (1)

Accounting (1 - n)

The transaction type has a limit on when a modification or cancellation can be recorded only if the Internal Cost Process Date and the Internal Cost Charge Generation Date are not populated on the Internal Cost Journal created by a transaction instance. In the event a modification or cancellation is needed but not possibly on the original transaction instance, a new transaction must be created. If originally recorded in error or too much was recorded, only a negative accounting line is required. If too little was recorded or usage was originally missed, then positive accounting lines are required. If the incorrect chart of account distribution was used, one negative line to the original distribution and one positive line to the correct distribution is required.

If the error was found and a modification or cancellation processed, records from the journal will be updated or deleted accordingly.

ICT Delivered Transaction Codes