Buyer Team

The Buyer Team (WBUYR) table allows you to create teams of buyers responsible for the procurement of goods and services. Team members are assigned to the team from this page.

Configuration Points:

  • Each team is assigned a unique Team ID.

  • Managers must first be added to the Manager (MANG) table and Buyers to the Buyer (BUYR) table.

  • Each team is assigned a manager.

  • Buyers are added to the team in the first grid under the scalar tab.


  • If a buyer team is designated as the Central Buyer Team for a department on the Department (DEPT) table, then the department is listed in the second grid under the scalar tab. A buyer team can be the Central Buyer Team for more than one department.

  • If a buyer team is designated as the Central Buyer Team on the Unit (UNIT) table, then the Fiscal Year/Department/Unit record is listed in the third grid under the scalar tab. A buyer team can be the Central Buyer Team for more than one Fiscal Year/Department/Unit combination.

  • A buyer team can be assigned to one/more commodity codes on the Commodity table and Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL) table.