CMR Transaction Type

The Contract Modification Request (CMR) Transaction Type is used to modify the Contract (CT) transaction after it has reached a Phase of Final. Multiple draft transactions against a single contract can exist simultaneously and users can independently workflow multiple modifications to the same contract and apply approved modifications in the order of approval. The Contract Revision transaction allows accepting the modifications expressed in the delta format and applying those deltas to produce new versions of an existing Contract. Users can either directly modify the CT transaction by clicking Edit and creating a new CT Modification or create a CMR to generate a CT Modification transaction. These two methods can be used simultaneously together.

Any modification/changes need be performed on the right hand side in the new values column. Only enter values in those fields you wish to change. If the field to be updated is a check box in the existing values, it is displayed as a drop down box in the new values column and is defaulted to No Change. If the check box for the existing value is blank, select Yes if you want it checked. If the check box for the existing value is checked, select No if you want to have it unchecked.

When the CMR transaction is saved or validated (or submitted to pending) the system refreshes the values for all existing fields based on the most recent version of the Contract transaction. The data in the existing values column is not refreshed after the transaction has been submitted. On validate/submit, the system generates a draft CT modification of the latest final Contract (CT) and triggers the validations against the CT modification. Any ‘new’ values are passed to the CT Modification and if any values that were entered on the CMR fail, the CT Modification Draft is discarded and the errors are displayed to the CMR. Once the Contract (CT) validations pass then the CT will submit to final or be passed to workflow for approval and the CMR can be submitted. Both transactions can be displayed in the Contract Catalog which is a folder connected to the Transaction Catalog page.

Transactions of the CMR Transaction Type can be created from the Contract Catalog or by using the Copy Forward button on the Contract (CT) transaction.

The CMR Transaction Type includes the following tabs:

CMR Delivered Transaction Codes

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