Competitive Bidding Process
As mentioned previously, a competitive bidding process (SO, SR, EV) can be used to establish a catalog agreement. This tab only provides information on how these transactions are used as part of the Catalog Management functionality.
Solicitation TransactionSolicitation Transaction
When a transaction of the SO Transaction Type such as an RFP transaction is created, and the Buyer is requesting bids for a catalog of items, a commodity line with a Line Type of Catalog must be selected on the transaction. If the Buyer suspects that a different discount might apply to different tabs of a catalog, then different catalogs may be needed. In this case, Buyers should create multiple commodity lines. In other words, the transaction must have a separate commodity line and catalog for every unique discount situation. This logic also applies if the Buyer suspects that different handling or packing instructions might apply to different tabs of a catalog. In this case, just like different discount requirements, the Buyer should create multiple commodity lines and should enter the instructions for each catalog using the fields under the Specifications tab. For example, Detailed Instructions, Packing, Hazardous Materials, Special Handling, Additional Handling Information, Warranty Type or Safety Data Sheet fields might be used.
On the Commodity Line of the SO Transaction Type, if the Line Type is Catalog, the following fields are required:
Commodity Code - A valid Commodity Code must be chosen. Please refer to the ”Commodity (COMM)” topic for more information.
Catalog - A descriptive name for the Catalog must be entered.
Effective From - This is the date that the anticipated discount is effective for the catalog item. This date must be prior to the Effective To date.
Effective To - This is the date that the anticipated discount ends for the catalog item. This date must be after the Effective From date.
Refer to the ”SO Transaction Type” topic for more information about the Solicitation transaction.
Solicitation Response TransactionSolicitation Response Transaction
Once a solicitation is open for bids, Solicitation Response transactions may be completed either by vendors in VSS or entered directly within CGI Advantage Procurement. If the Line Type for a Commodity Line is Catalog, the following fields are required on the SR transaction:
Bid Catalog - A descriptive name for the Catalog must be entered.
Discount - The discount price for the catalog item.
Effective From - This is the date that the discount is effective for the catalog item. This date must be prior to the Effective To date.
Effective To - This is the date that the discount ends for the catalog item. This date must be after the Effective From date.
For every Commodity line with a Line Type of Catalog, the Vendor should provide a Microsoft Excel catalog file. Picture files are optional, but if sent they must be in a ZIP file format. (Files may either be attached to the Solicitation Response or sent separately.)
Refer to the ”SR Transaction Type” topic for more information about the Solicitation Response transaction.
Evaluation TransactionEvaluation Transaction
Once all responses have been received, the evaluation and award process begins. All responses are loaded into the Evaluation (EV) transaction and the buyer selects commodity lines for award. If the Line Type is Catalog, then the transaction code entered in the Create Transaction tab must be of the MA Transaction Type.
Refer to the ”EV Transaction Type” topic for more information about the Evaluation transaction.