How to Create an Award Transaction

An Award transaction can be created in several different ways. If a procurement has gone through the Solicitation and Evaluation State, click on the Create MA Transaction or Create PO Transaction actions on the Header tab of the Evaluation (EV) transaction. This will automatically create the desired award transaction for you. If wanting to award the same Commodity Line to multiple vendors; the Create MA Transaction or Create PO Transactions actions must be clicked several times based on how many vendors you wish to issue the line to.

A DO transaction can be created by using the Expert Procurement Mode or the Shopper (SHOP) page. The Universal Requestor Commodity Search and the Universal Requestor Catalog Search allow you to search for previously awarded Master Agreements. After you have selected a MA item on the Universal Requestor and have submitted the UR transaction that it creates, CGI Advantage Procurement will create the DO transaction automatically. Or you can select the MA on the Master Agreement Search page and then click on the Select Lines link, this will allow you to select the lines you want to order and then be taken directly to your DO transaction. Refer to the "Shopper (SHOP)" topic in this user guide for more information.

If an award is a Delivery Order, the process continues as follows:

  • Advantage Procurement will verify that the MA that the DO references, is valid: MA has not reached expiration date, purchasing department is authorized to use the MA, and the usage cap will not be exceeded.

  • Match the lines on the DO to the MA.

  • You can select additional lines from the MA for the DO.

  • You must enter valid accounting, delivery, and quantity information

  • DO is routed for approval

  • Once approved, DO is sent to the vendor using selected mode of delivery

If the award is not a Delivery Order then the process continues as follows:

  • You must select a vendor to receive the award.

  • Based on Procurement Type, the user will have to finalize Specifications, Terms and Conditions, Dates and possibly Insurance Certificates, Procurement Bonds and Warranty info.

  • If the award is to be a MA, then the user will select agencies, spending limits and set a usage cap for the agreement. 

  • Effective Begin Dates and Expiration Dates are identified for all renewal periods.

  • Delivery options are chosen.

  • Transaction is validated and sent for review and approval.

  • Award is sent to the vendor using selected mode of delivery.