PO and CT Transactions
On the PO and CT transactions, if the selected Commodity Code is subject to Authorization approval (that is, the Requires Authorization check box is selected on the Commodity table), then the following applies:
The Commodity Code selected must be associated with a valid Authorization Number or the Authorization Exception field must be populated. If an Authorization Number does not exist on the Authorization (ASR) page for the Commodity Code and Department, then you must request a new Authorization Number. This request can be made directly on the Authorization page or by creating an Authorization Request (AUTHSRQ) transaction.
Once the transaction goes to Final, the transaction Line Amount will be added to the Expended Amount on the Authorization table for the associated Authorization Number.
Upon finalization of a Modification PO, the delta amount (difference between the Final version and the Modification version), is added to the Expended Amount on the Authorization table. If the modification reduces the line amount, this will create a “negative delta” amount which, when added to the Authorization Expended amount will reduce that amount.
Upon finalization of a Cancellation PO, the full line amount is removed (subtracted) from the Expended Amount on the Authorization table for each line and their referenced Authorization Numbers.
The Authorization Number cannot be changed from one version to another. However, if the Authorization Number was blank in the previous version, you can populate in the subsequent version.
The Service From and Service To dates entered on the transaction should be within the service dates on the Authorization table.