Receiving Search

The Receiving Search (RCSRCH) inquiry allows you to search for award transactions and create Receiver transactions. The search window allows you to search for the award transaction that you are referencing. If all of the Commodity Lines on the award transaction have the Inactive Line flag selected, then Advantage will not display the award transaction in the search results. Once you have found your award transaction, you can click the Select Lines To Receive link. You will then need to select the Receive link. This will create and open the Receiver transaction for you, with all award lines copied forward. In addition, if you want to close the commodity line then you must click the Close Lines link within the line level menu or the Close Lines button on the page. This will create and open the Receiver transaction with the Shipment Type = Final and Receive Quantity = Zero. Once this transaction is processed to Final, it will close out the referenced commodity line. The Close Line link and button can be hidden using Configure Page (DESIGNER), Additional configuration, Page Menu and Grid Row menu for Action/Link of Close Lines by updating Displayed Extension as No.

The Receiver transaction is automatically created using the Transaction Code value in the Receiving Search Default Transaction Code (RCSRCH_DEFAULT_DOC_CD) parameter on the Application Parameters page. In addition, the system uses the Transaction Department and Transaction Unit (if available) from the referenced award transaction to create the Receiver transaction and the system automatically generates the Transaction ID. If you have received all items that are on the award transaction, then you can submit the Receiver transaction. If you have not received all items then you need to enter the amount received before submitting the transaction.

You will have one of three different ways to specify which Award commodity lines you want to receive:

  • Selecting individual lines - users manually select each Commodity Line to be generated on the Receipt by selecting the check box associated with that line.

  • Receive All Lines - users select All Commodity Lines to be generated on the Receipt by choosing the Receive All Lines option.

  • Receive All Unselected Lines - users exclude selected Commodity Lines from the Receipt by selecting each Commodity Line to be excluded and choosing the Receive All Unselected Lines option.

*Note: Commodity Lines on an award transaction that have the Inactive Line flag selected are not displayed in the search results on the Receiving Search - Select Lines page.

Additionally, on the Receiving Search page, the Commodity pick list that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.


For instructions on how to record items being received using the Receiving Search (RCSRCH), refer to the "Record Items Received from a Vendor" topic under Common Business Tasks.