Universal Requestor Transaction Logic
Behind the scenes, the Universal Requestor uses built in logic and table entries to determine which transaction(s) should be created. This topic explains the logic that is used and lists out the tables that provide input to the Universal Requestor.
Loose CommoditiesLoose Commodities
Commodities that show up in the Commodities search results tab are straight from the Commodity (COMM) table and not from any particular award; these are considered ”Loose”. When a Universal Requestor (UR) transaction is submitted to Final for a "Loose" commodity, the transaction code marked as the default under the Requisition State of the Unclassified Procurement Type is generated. If you request a ”Loose” commodity the Unclassified Procurement Type is automatically assigned to the transaction that is generated when the UR is submitted to Final; however, the Procurement Type can be modified on the generated transaction before the transaction is submitted.
Service CommoditiesService Commodities
Commodities that show up in the Similar Purchases search results tab and are from Purchase History that have a Line Type of Service follow similar logic as ”loose” commodities. If you request a ”Service” commodity, the Unclassified Procurement Type is automatically assigned and the default transaction code for the Unclassified Requisition State is used after submitting the UR transaction. The Procurement Type on the transaction defaults to Unclassified; however, this can be changed before the transaction is submitted.
Item CommoditiesItem Commodities
Commodities that show up in the Similar Purchases search results tab that are from an award transaction of the Purchase Order transaction type and the Line Type is Item follow a different set of logic:
If the Line Amount is greater than the Threshold indicated for the commodity and department on the URCTRL table, the default transaction code for the Requisition State (set on the Procurement Type table) is selected for the Over Procurement Type.
If the Line Amount is less than the Threshold indicated for the commodity on the URCTRL table, then the default transaction code for the Award State (set on the Procurement Type table) that is selected for the Under Procurement Type.
Several awards may be generated from a single group. Commodities are further grouped by the vendor that was chosen by the Requestor. Thus, if the commodity group has 10 commodity lines across 3 vendors, 3 award transactions are generated.
Discount CommoditiesDiscount Commodities
Commodities that show up in the Similar Purchases search results tab resulting from an Order that referenced a Master Agreement (MA) where the MA had a Line Type of Discount, the assignment of Procurement Type will follow similar logic as 'loose' commodities. For selected ”Discount” commodities, the created transaction is automatically assigned to the Unclassified Procurement Type after submitting the UR. However, this can be changed before the transaction is submitted. If the Master Agreement line is selected from the Available from Master Agreement tab instead of the selecting the Order line, the Discount line will result in a Delivery Order and the transaction will be assigned to the Delivery Order Procurement Type.
Master Agreement CommoditiesMaster Agreement Commodities
Commodities that show up in the Available from a Master Agreement search results tab on Shopper that are from a Master Agreement and normally result in the creation of a Delivery Order via the UR process; though in some situations, a Payment Request transaction may be created from the UR transaction. By default, a Delivery Order transaction is created from a UR transaction for each Commodity Group that is associated with a Master Agreement. You may also create a Payment Request transaction instead by selecting the Create Payment flag on the Commodity Group tab. If there are multiple Commodity Groups with the Create Payment flag selected, then each Commodity Group is used to create a new Payment Request transaction. If you select the Create Payment checkbox and the Payment Request Transaction Code specified on System Options does not allow a reference to a Master Agreement, or the Commodity Group does not contain a Master Agreement, an error is issued.
The system creates the Payment Request transaction using the Transaction Code in the Payment Request Default field on the System Wide Options table for the current fiscal year. The Transaction ID for the Payment Request is based on the Automated Transaction Numbering entry for selected Payment Request Default Transaction Code for the current Fiscal Year, and the user who is initiating the Submit action’s home security Department. In addition, upon selection of the Submit action on the UR, the system performs a look up to the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table to see if the Transaction Code specified in the Payment Request Default field requires a Transaction Unit. If it does, the system will attempt to retrieve the Unit value from the Procurement User (USER) table for the user executing the UR Submit action and will populate the Transaction Unit field. If Unit is required on the DCTRL table and the Unit field on USER is blank, an error is issued and a Payment Request is not created.
The Payment Request transaction that is created updates the Created Transaction Components of the UR transaction and displays the current status of the created Payment Request transaction. In addition, the UR is displayed in the Transaction Reference fields of the generated Payment Request transaction, as well as in the Transaction Cross Reference Query of the Payment Request.
You can also create a Payment Request or Delivery Order transaction directly from the Shopper – Checkout page. Refer to the "Initiate Checkout Process" topic for more information.
Free Form CommoditiesFree Form Commodities
Free form commodities create transactions differently depending on how much information is provided when they are created.
No Commodity Code - the Unclassified Procurement Type is automatically assigned and the default transaction code for the Unclassified Requisition State is used after submitting the UR transaction.
Limited Commodity information - the Unclassified Procurement Type is automatically assigned and the default transaction code for the Unclassified Requisition State is used after submitting the UR transaction.
Full Commodity information:
If the Line Amount is greater than the Threshold indicated for the commodity and department on the URCTRL table, the default transaction code for the Requisition State (set on the Procurement Type table) is selected for the Over Procurement Type.
If the Line Amount is less than the Threshold indicated for the commodity and department on the URCTRL table, the default transaction code for the Award State (set on the Procurement Type table) is selected for the Under Procurement Type.
Inventory Warehouse CommoditiesInventory Warehouse Commodities
If the selected commodity has a Warehouse Code in the Source, the Stock Requisition (SRQ) transaction will be created after submitting the UR transaction. (These commodities appear in the Available from Inventory search results tab on Shopper.) A different Warehouse Code, Delivery Date, Shipping Location, or Ship Whole Indicator value will create a separate Commodity Group on the UR transaction. Each commodity group will generate one SRQ transaction when the UR is submitted to Final.