Batch Jobs

The batch jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage - Administration Utilities Run Sheets guide.

Job Name


Populate Transaction Codes

A required batch process to build the list of transaction codes available for workflow and collaboration definition.

Populate Workflow Metadata

A required batch process to build out the transaction components (seen as tabs online) and fields on those components, which available for workflow and collaboration definition.

Automated Workflow Escalation

This process performs the warning notifications and escalations of worklist items that are pending in an individual approver’s worklist for more than a specific period of time. This helps to ensure that the items are worked on within the specified time period by sending email reminders to the Assignee and escalating the item to more Assignee(s) by creating additional routings so that they can work on the item.

Workflow Delegate to Alternate Approver

This process job is used to route transactions that are submitted into a manager’s queue during the time the Out of Office is effective into the alternate approver’s queue.

Worklist Details Synchronization

This is a required process after setting up or adjusting records on the Configure Worklist Details page to synchronize the data on Worklist Details page.