Employee Dependent Profile (EDPND)
The Employee Dependent Profile (EDPND) transaction allows employees to modify and update their existing dependent information. This transaction is a clone of the Dependent Profile (DPND) transaction and is intended to be used in the employee role only. The Employee Dependent Profile transaction has a unique entry on Configure Page (DESIGNER) and can be configured independently from Dependent Profile (DPND). For more information on this transaction, refer to the "Employee Dependent Profile " topic in the CGI Advantage Employee/Manager User Guide.
Note: Employees can also add or update their dependent information while enrolling into benefits via Benefits Enrollment Wizard. Employees should refer to the “Benefits Enrollment Wizard - Adding/Modifying Dependents” topic in the CGI Advantage Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
The Employee Dependent Profile transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Edit row-level action on the Benefits Summary Landing > Manage Dependent Profile carousel tile to update dependent information. The EMPL_DPND_UPDATE_ALLOWED Application Parameter (APPCTRL) must be set to true for the Edit action to be visible.